Rwanda and Ukraine

On this day of our Lord’s Passion, let us also remember those Christians who have suffered and are persecuted by people who have succumbed to the forces of evil.

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Christ is in our midst, my dear readers!

In these days, the world community is expressing its solidarity with the people of Rwanda in connection with the thirtieth anniversary of the genocide, in which no less than 800 thousand people died. I am sure that sooner or later, truth always beats down a path for itself.

Several decades ago, journalists and hosts on the Radio of a Thousand Hills fomented hatred and anger among some citizens of the country against others, in order to make it all end in a terrible, bloody massacre. Radio of A Thousand Hills. During those terrible events, even servants of God who preach the Gospel from the pulpit defiled their souls with terrible sins. The Catholic priest Athanase Seromba has been found guilty of the death of two thousand Tutsi refugees. They died under the rubble of the church where they were trying to hide from the killers. The priest ordered the church destroyed with a bulldozer. Neither a cassock nor a cross on the chest will guard a person from satanism. What can now be changed? Nothing. Eternal (what a terrible word!) shame and judgement to the murderers. But those who lead all of this will receive the most terrible sentence from God.   

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Evil is always evil, and goodness is always goodness. People can think up anything at all, they can slander, lie, and justify their sins, but the time will come when the Lord will show it all for what it is. The saddest thing is that then, nothing can be changed. But before, when it was happening, change was possible.

Now is a similar time. Also people who call themselves journalists, with the help of the media call white black, call for the destruction of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, slander it, and do everything possible to arouse hatred and anger to the very same Ukrainian citizens whose children are fighting at the front, who also worry about their homeland and suffer from war.

I do not doubt that truth will eventually prevail. The murderers, slanderers, and organizers of persecutions against our Mother Church will be punished by God, finding their eternal harbor in the same place as the hosts of the Radio of A Thousand Hills.

The difference between our persecutors and those who perpetrated the genocide in Rwanda is that ours still have time to change their eternal lot. All that is needed for this is to stop serving evil and turn to truth and goodness. It’s not too late! But whether these people will listen to me, I do not know. Probably not. And I sincerely pity them.
