Rt. Hon. John Gaul Lebo Thanksgiving: Why Gov Liyel Imoke snubbed Speaker John Lebo

Rt. Hon. John Gaul Lebo Thanksgiving: Why Gov Liyel Imoke snubbed Speaker John Lebo
L-R: Gov Liyel Imoke and Speaker John Lebo 
Joseph Odok|10 March 2017
On the 3rd of March the Speaker of the 8th Cross River State House of Assembly (CRSHA), John Gaul Lebo, went to to his hometown Presbyterian School Field, Adadama, in Abi LGA to thank God in the recently organised Thanksgiving and Appreciation to God Service. Popular social commentator in the state, Joseph Odok Esq. Ph.D seem to give an insight into why Lebo embarked on that religious expedition and what transpired on the side line.
For Odok, Lebo’s thanksgiving was politico-religious aimed at endearing himself to his constituents, that is, the Abi/Yakurr federal constituency that is anticipated to vote for his 2019 House of Representatives aspiration.
Odok further noted that Imoke the former governor of the state and godfather to Lebo and his wife were conspicuously absent. This must have raised eyebrows. Odok has explained why they were reportedly absent. Whether Odok’s position is true is not the essence of this publication but to provoke an insight into the political calculation of Lebo.
John Gaul Lebo: the end of the political relevance of an opportunist —By Joseph Odok
No man depicts failure in Cross River State politics than the Speaker of Cross River State House of Assembly. This is more so because opportunism and sycophancy have expiry date. If judged by performance and closeness to his constituents, John Gaul Lebo ought to have buried his head in shame forever.
The Abi-born Speaker of Cross River State House of Assembly forgot his people immediately after his political godfather, Senator Liyel Imoke bestowed power to him despite obvious incompetence. Sadly, after he clinched the House of Assembly mandate and was pushed to the position of Speaker Cross River State House of Assembly,  Hon. John Gaul Lebo was the first to betray his mentor and boss Sen. Liyel Imoke. Building on opportunism, Hon. John Gaul Lebo quickly pitched tent with the governor Sen. Ayade to completely destroy the Liyel Imoke’s dynasty.
The political sins of John Gaul Lebo were not limited to Imoke alone but sadly extended to the entire Abi people and his immediate family and siblings of his step mother. Disappointedly, John Gaul Lebo has never slept in his Abi residence since after the mantle of power was bestowed on him.
More than two years after been sworn in as speaker, John Gaul Lebo decided to do thanksgiving in his Abi home. This is because of his desire to contest for the House of Representatives seat by 2019.
On the said day of thanksgiving, his political godfather Senator Liyel Imoke and his wife were conspicuously absent. This must have been targeted at sending a strong message to John Gaul that Liyel Imoke has lost trust in John Gaul Lebo for his many instances of betrayal of trust.
Recall that John Gaul Lebo had betrayed his political godfather Sen. Liyel in many occasions. One of such occasions was during the PDP ward Congress were the speaker sidelined his boss and filled names detrimental to Liyel Imoke’s interest. 
A stubborn fly follows the corpse to the grave. We are watching.
**Could there be an element of truth in Odok’s assertion? Hasn’t Lebo visited his Adadama hometown since he was elected? Could this be an exaggeration? Was Imoke absent? Was his absence deliberate? Hmmmm… 
Efio-Ita Nyok 
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of NegroidHaven.org