Revolutionary Election | The Liberty Beacon

As I wrote in “A Left-centered, not a God-centered, nation” from October 2021, “throughout America’s existence, our elections have moved between conservative and liberal philosophical paradigms….”

While I believe that this has been the case historically, let me proffer that I believe that the 2024 election, and its subsequent governing period, will be revolutionary in nature, not business-as-usual.

Whether it mirrors our American revolution and the re-affirmation of our republican ideals, or France’s “reign of terror” will be determined through the ballot box, and/or subsequent shenanigans, which coincidentally always benefit the Democrats.

If Kamala Harris prevails (not wins, or earns the nomination, but prevails), our worst fears will be realized:

  • 20–30 million illegal aliens will be granted amnesty;

  • Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico will be recognized as states, with additional senators and congressmen being installed;

  • Democrats will stack the Supreme Court;

  • Democrats will end the filibuster;

  • Donald Trump, his attorneys, his advisers, and family members will very likely be tried, convicted, and imprisoned;

  • Hate Speech codes will be instituted on public platforms, and Democrats will shut down any platforms (X, Breitbart, Fox, AT) that don’t conform to the government’s dictates on “acceptable” speech;

  • Censorship will be weaponized to shut down “misinformation” which is any information that doesn’t comport to leftist orthodoxy;

  • Americans could be imprisoned for questioning the election, and/or for “hate speech” violations;

  • A national abortion policy will be implemented, permitting abortions through the ninth month of pregnancy;

  • The “trans” agenda will accelerate, with more and more boys and men permitted into women’s sports and private spaces;

  • More “reparations” for blacks, Hispanics, and any other non-white demographic;

  • Introduction of price controls with government regulating all sales, increasing inflation exponentially, supplies will be limited as resellers become unsure of the profitability of their production, and rations will be instituted for food, water, and power;

  • EV mandates will be enforced, and the sale of internal combustion vehicles will be banned by 2030;

  • Blue state deficits will be bailed out by the federal treasury;

  • American troops will be deployed in Ukraine;

  • American support of Israel will be curtailed, with no new (or previously approved weapons being supplied to our once-close ally;

  • China will invade and subsequently take Taiwan;

  • and America’s sovereignty will be subjugated to Davos, and our Constitution will be supplanted with the globalist charter of the World Economic Forum.

If Donald Trump is elected, and by the grace of God sworn-in as the 47th president of the United States, he must take revolutionary actions to reform the entirety of government—not the Constitution and our founding principles, but a government that has become bastardized beyond its intended form. He should:

  • Work with Elon Musk and other advisers, review every agency, and slash government, as Javier Milei did in Argentina and Musk with Twitter (30–50% cuts across the board is a good start);

  • Re-institute “zero-based” budgeting;

  • Excise the cancer in the FBI, CIA, the Department of Homeland Security, and every other intelligence agency, granting amnesty to any and all whistleblowers;

  • Close the border and deport those here illegally, starting with any and all convicted criminals, and any illegal alien found to have voted illegally;

  • Cancel all federal aid to illegal aliens;

  • Pressure states that encourage “sanctuary cities” by withholding federal funds;

  • Reform “voting rights” and work on legislation (or EOs) to require paper ballots, voter ID, and same-day voting—if we can’t count on free and fair elections, we don’t have a democracy (or republic);

  • Reform media by pulling all the broadcast licenses and making each and every company re-apply, for a fee, and empower the FCC to root out bias in, ahem, “news” organizations;

  • Reform the internet and social media by vigorously enforcing Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act: platforms must be unbiased, and if search engines or platforms are slanting results, they are no longer search engines and platforms but publishers, picking and choosing what content to show (these entities need to get in line or be broken up by anti-trust provisions);

  • Appoint Dan Bongino as the Secret Service director, or hire him as a consultant;

  • Push for the prosecution of anyone found to have colluded with the would-be Trump assassins;

  • Eliminate “student loans” and reform higher education;

  • Eliminate the NEA and the federal Department of Education;

  • Pass “school choice” legislation;

  • End the war in Ukraine;

  • and end the conflict in the Middle East by expanding the Abraham Accords.

This election is either going to be a Marxist revolution, or an American revolution returning us to greatness.

Revolutionary Election | The Liberty Beacon

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