Resign or Return Mr President —by Richard Romanus

Resign or Return Mr President —by Richard Romanus

Richard Romanus|12 August 2017 
During the Civil war, President Abraham Lincoln was given a request for five hundred thousand additional recruits to fight in the army. Political advisers strongly recommended he turned it down since they thought honouring the request would prevent his reelection but Lincoln decision was firm.
“It is not necessary for me to be elected” he said “but it is necessary for the soldiers at the front to be reinforced by five hundred thousand men and I shall call for them. If I go down under the act, I will go down with my colours intact.”
During the 2015 general elections, President Goodluck Jonathan had every reason to cancel the elections judging by the several irregularities that marred the elections but to the surprise of many, the outcome of the elections was allowed to stand. Reaffirming his 2011 democracy day speech when he said “Let it be said by the generations that is to come that we unified this country and consolidated our democracy”.
It is already Ninety three days and still counting that President Buhari left the shores of this country to far away London on health grounds. All we hear and see these days is “President Buhari is reincuperating fast”  “President Buhari healing is a miracle”  “President Buhari is waiting for his doctors approval to return to Nigeria” as well as pictures of him meeting high profile personalities, the recent being the bishop of Canterbury bla bla. But the question is; for how long can we allow one man hold an entire country hostage!
No matter how hard the 'Aso Rock Cabal' tries to convince and confuse Nigerians, it is becoming very obvious that the President is seriously sick and must resign to take care of his health and for for Nigeria to move forward.
The country is presently stagnated. Yes it is. Whether we believe it or not, they are so many critical decisions that have been kept on hold due to Mr President's absence. Decisions that might possibly have the capacity to fast track the growth and development of this country.
Remember how it took more than two months for the replacements of Late James Ocholi and Amina Mohammed to be inaugurated by the Acting President, Prof Yemi Osinbanjo. Yet still, portfolios were still not assigned to the inaugurated Ministers.
Today, the Nation's Federal Executive Council chamber has been turned to a photo studio where our Ministers stand in small groups to take snap shots, laugh and chat with themselves with no meaningful Council approvals whatsoever since President Buhari left this country. But for the possible backlash from Nigerians, the weekly Federal Executive Council meeting could have been long suspended. Sad!
We have a Coordinating sorry Acting President that has shown so many signs of been under the serious grip of the cabal. He says a thing, the cabal says and does another. 
The truth of the matter is that, the ill health of President Buhari has revealed to Nigerians who he really is. He is not the 'Mr Integrity' he made 'them' us to believe. If not, why should he allow his poor health to be shrouded in so much secrecy! A man of integrity like President Buhari should be able to throw in the towel by honorably resigning his office especially now that it is becoming very obvious on a daily basis that, his health can no longer allow him to face the rigors of office.
The true test for any leader who truly means well for an organisation, government or a body is when he or she is faced with a challenging situation like sickness. At this point, a good leader is expected to honourably step aside. This is not just for the good of the organisation, but for his or her own good too. By stepping aside, you have enough time to take care of your health and above all, safeguards the very sterling attributes that earned you the position in the first place.
Where then is Mr President's integrity?
I insist, Mr President must consider towing the part of honour by honorably resigning his seat if he cannot return.
He must also consider following the footsteps of other great leaders of the world who GAVE UP inorder to GO UP.
Richard Romanus
Is a Social Commentator