Remote theological school opened in German Diocese of Russian Church

Berlin, November 27, 2023

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A distance learning Orthodox theological school within the Russian Church’s Diocese of Berlin and Germany, with classes for both Orthodox Christians and inquirers, began operating this fall.

The opening of the school was approved by the Diocesan Council on October 2 and has the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Tikhon of Ruza.

A new theological school is needed due to the growing number of people who are interested in the Orthodox faith or are preparing for Baptism, or those who have already become Orthodox without receiving sufficient catechesis, reports the Berlin Diocese.

There is also a growing demand with the diocese for Sunday School teachers and catechists who could teach the Orthodox faith in German.

The school will offer two courses:

  1. Introduction to Orthodoxy: A one-year course designed for adults who want to become Orthodox or acquire basic knowledge about the Orthodox faith. The course covers Church doctrine, the practical side of Church life, worship, and the Church year. No prior knowledge of theology needed.

  2. Immersion in the Orthodox Faith: A three-year course providing in-depth and systematic knowledge for people who want to work as Sunday School teachers, catechists, readers, etc., or simply deepen their understanding of Orthodoxy. The course covers the sacred history of the Old and New Testaments, dogmatic theology, liturgics, Church history, foundational theology, comparative theology, asceticism, and Patrology. Basic knowledge is required and is checked in an introductory interview.

Graduates of the theological course receive a Church certificate.

Classes are taught in German and open to students from any diocese. They are held once a week, for 90 minutes. An exam is held at the end of each academic year.

58 students enrolled in the theological course this year, and 56 in the introductory course. Enrollment for next academic year will begin June 5.

See the school website for more information.

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