#Relationship501WithFBI: Nobody can use you and dump you —First Baba Isa

#Relationship501WithFBI: Nobody can use you and dump you —First Baba Isa

First Baba Isa|4 June 2017 
He used me and dumped me. 

I curse him by the blood of the hymen he broke. 

I will strip naked in the night to curse him. 

E no go better for my ex. 
I greet you o, commander-in-chief of laying curses. Are you done laying curses naked? Oya na, go and wear clothes let's talk. Hurry and wear clothes abeg before you pass there craze. 
Ok darling, hear me. Trust me, I understand your pains. I have been there many times (and might have put others through pains too). I caught my childhood sweetheart once straffing my friend. I nearly went mad. But when I realised that would make them very happy, I refused to go mad. I decided to be great, I know that one will pain them well well. 
But you can never move on from a broken relationship to become great if you don't take some (it's better if you take all sef) responsibility for the way things turned out. Blame yourself too small, you are not a saint. 
Stop playing the victim. Press the “move on” button and then move on.. Stop attracting curses to yourself by turning into a curse machine. God doesn't hear only your prayers na. Stop fooling yourself that your word is law in heaven. I know that's what your pastor told you, but na lie. That's why all those you cursed are still prospering, even better than you sef. 
You think karma is blind. The guy knows you. Now you are cursing Tim for leaving because you think he is a husband material, what of John in year one that you dumped for that lecturer? And you want karma to karma Tim for dumping you but karma should forgive you for dumping John? Please whenever you enter the bathroom and take off your clothes it should be for bathing not for cursing. Go baff abeg. 
Both of you had sex together. You both used each other. He used his penis, you used your vagina. Both of you consented to using these and many other body parts. At times even against what both of you believe God approves of sef. And now you want God to defend the dignity of your vagina by destroying your ex in holy anger; what about the dignity of his penis? You see why your prayers don't go pass the ceiling? Such prayers might even be hitting the ceiling and failing on your head o. 
Your worth is not tied to any relationship. And God will not consult the status of your vagina to determine the future of your destiny. Nobody can use you and dump you; you are not Always sanitary pad. You are a woman. A beautiful creature. Destined for greatness. Get up, rise above your yesterday. Go on and be great sweetheart. 
I love you 💕 
—Firsts Baba Isa (FBI)
Is a relationship expert