Never pay for any CBT, test or assessment as part of any recruitment process. When in doubt, contact us
Interested and qualified candidates should send ten (10) copies each of their Applications, Curriculum Vitae with each page duly signed and dated by the candidate & photocopies of all relevant certificates and the candidate’s vision (not be more than 250 words) for the growth and development of the Institute:
All applications must be submitted under confidential cover, marked “Application for the post of Registrar / CEO” at the upper right-hand corner and addressed to:
The President,
Nigerian Institute of Animal Science,
Plot 1882, Cadastral Zone, C13 Kabusa,
Abuja FCT, Nigeria.
- Each application should include the names and addresses of three (3) referees who are Fellows of the Institute. It is the duty of the candidate to contact the referees to forward their confidential reports in properly sealed envelope to the President of NIAS via the address above.
- Only those shortlisted will be contacted for further engagement.