Redeemed Church, RCCG Overseer Adeboye Gives 2025 Prophecies, Says ‘The Blowing Wind Will Blow Stronger In 2025’

Pastor Adeboye made his stance during the Holy Communion and crossover service of the church at the new auditorium of the church, Shimawa, Ogun State.


The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Pastor Enoch Adeboye, has noted that 2025 will be a landmark year that many will not forget in a hurry.

This is even as Adeboye said mockers would be louder and more aggressive in 2025.

Pastor Adeboye made his stance during the Holy Communion and crossover service of the church at the new auditorium of the church, Shimawa, Ogun State.

However, he said, since the mockers refused to repent, God told him that many of them would not survive the year.

Grouping the prophecy under general in his annual prophecies this time, he said: “Daddy said year 2025 will be a landmark year. A year nobody would ever forget. The day someone has been waiting for will arrive this year.”

“The wind that started blowing last year will continue to blow this year, but stronger.”

“Earthly helpers would be replaced by heavenly helpers this year. Mockers would be louder and more aggressive, but unfortunately, many of them will not survive the year.

“It’s unfortunate because God did not want the death of a sinner, but to repent. But some people have made up their mind not to repent.”

“A landmark year means a lot of things. Anything can happen. But I pray only good things will happen to you.”

Adeboye stated that those who are God’s children would know and testify that it pays to serve God even before the end of the year. 
