Recession-Proof Your Bank Account With MasiTrades – The US Times

In a stock market where the Dow Jones now regularly sees shifts of over 500 points, and worries about inflation and recession loom large in everyone’s minds, Masi Habibi is teaching others how to build a “recession-proof career” as a day trader. Habibi, the founder of MasiTrades and a prominent trading teacher on YouTube, Instagram, and Discord, says that “With day trading options you can trade the upside or downside of the market. It doesn’t really matter which direction the market picks because you just have to be sitting on the funds ready to capitalize when it does make the move.”

Habibi knows, from experience, that anyone can achieve financial success using her methods: “I’ve seen my students flip 1K accounts to 40-50K.” The daughter of blue-collar workers who immigrated from Afghanistan to the United States when she was three years old, Habibi herself is an embodiment of what is possible with perseverance, even when starting off with only small investments. She started trading on the side, “just to learn a new skill, and never intending it to be a career path,” but soon realised that trading options could give her the freedom to do more of the things she actually loves, and in 2018 quit her 9-5 to focus all her efforts on the market.

As a woman, Habibi’s was not an easy path at first. “There were no females in the industry. It was so male dominated that I never had a guide or a place where I could go and learn.” As a result, she struggled to make a profit her first year, making rookie mistakes and relying too much on emotion instead of sticking to a strategy. “Once I became confident in my knowledge and really honed in on being a disciplined individual, it changed my trading drastically.”

Amid the early failures, however, the seeds of MasiTrades began to grow. For while learning from her own errors, Habibi realised that she could help others learn from them too. The courses she offers, and her YouTube and Discord pages were started with the goal of giving others the type of help she wishes she had starting out: “My passion has really been teaching and guiding clients along their journeys to financial self-sufficiency while inspiring young women to realise that there is more to life.”

And inspire she does, helping her clients achieve financial success by giving them the knowledge and confidence to make successful trades on their own. Habibi believes that “perseverance is everything,” especially in economically uncertain times. “Even when you think there’s not a light at the end of the tunnel, trust me, there is. Learning from your failures and using them as stepping stones to your goals is when everything will change.”
