RCCG LSC THE BRIDGE Commemorates Pastor E.A Adeboye’s 82nd Birthday with a Remarkable CSR Project

RCCG LSC THE BRIDGE Commemorates Pastor E.A Adeboye

As Pastor E.A Adeboye, the esteemed General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), celebrates his 82nd birthday on March 2nd 2024, RCCG LSC THE BRIDGE, under the vibrant leadership of Youth Province 1, honours this milestone with a profound act of Christian Social Responsibility (CSR).


RCCG LSC THE BRIDGE Commemorates Pastor E.A Adeboye

In line with the principles and values espoused by Pastor E.A Adeboye, the Youth Province 1 embarked on a CSR initiative aimed at positively impacting the lives of individuals within our community. Understanding the importance of serving humanity and uplifting the less privileged, the CSR UNIT dedicated their time, resources, and efforts to make a tangible difference at the 4 locations.

The CSR project, which was meticulously planned and executed by the province, focused on addressing critical needs within our community.


RCCG LSC THE BRIDGE Commemorates Pastor E.A Adeboye


This ranged from Health Care (Newborn Care Packages and Catering of hospital bills of babies born on March 2nd 2024), welfare support and visiting orphanages.

The 4 locations comprised of:

1. Heritage Homes Orphanage, 45, Faramobi Ajike Street, Anthony Village, Lagos

2. Little Saints Orphanage Hqs Admin & Donation Centre, 6b Dalberto Road, Palmgrove Estate, off Ikorodu Road, Lagos

3. Institute of Maternal & Child Health, Ayinke House (IMCH), Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, 1-5 Oba Akinjobi Road, GRA, Ikeja, Lagos

4. RCCG Health Centre, Camp Ground, Redemption City


RCCG LSC THE BRIDGE Commemorates Pastor E.A Adeboye


Speaking at the sideline of the event, the Lead Pastor RCCG LSC THE BRIDGE AND APICP CSR for Youth Province One, Leke Adeboye says it’s the duty of the church to help less privileged individuals and communities especially during this harsh economic period.

Pastor Leke added that through collaborative efforts and unwavering commitment, the CSR UNIT succeeded in bringing smiles to the faces of many, embodying Pastor E.A Adeboye’s message of love, compassion, and generosity.


RCCG LSC THE BRIDGE Commemorates Pastor E.A Adeboye
RCCG LSC THE BRIDGE Commemorates Pastor E.A Adeboye



