Rashid’s level 2 super saves him from Ryu’s Shinku Hadoken even while he’s already being hit in this wild Street Fighter 6 clip

Rashid's level 2 super saves him from Ryu's Shinku Hadoken even while he's already being hit in this wild Street Fighter 6 clip

Rashid’s level 2 super is pretty darn strong in Street Fighter 6. Acting as one of his most effective techniques, a common tactic for high-level Rashid play sees him toss out the giant tornado from a distance, then follow behind it with a series of swift mix ups and offensive pressure.

This level 2 has a looming presence on screen when it’s in play, and as it slowly moves forward it has the ability to hit the opponent, eat fireballs, and power up some of Rashid’s moves. Apparently, it can also save Rashid from Ryu’s level 1 super even when Rashid is already being hit by it, and we can see how this odd interaction actually plays out thanks to this recent and crazy SF6 clip from MDZ_Jimmy.

Jimmy is an avid Ryu player and actively streams his Street Fighter 6 adventures. This morning, the content creator shared a clip from a recent stream where he took on a Rashid online and attempted a punish that anyone watching would have expected to work.

After the Rashid escaped the corner by hitting Jimmy with Overdrive Spinning Mixer on wake up, the master of the turbulent wind sent out his level 2 super for oki pressure. Navigating away from it by jumping back, Jimmy created a bit of space to better deal with the inevitable advance of the Rashid player, and that appeared to be the right call.

The Rashid player used the tornado to push forward with a buffed up light Spinning Mixer, and Jimmy reacted with a level 1 super from Ryu — which landed clean against the opponent. Ryu’s level 1 super is his Shinku Hadoken, and this particular maneuver sees the Shoto fire a super-powered fireball that hits multiple times before sending the opponent flying back.

In this situation, however, the Shinku Hadoken hit Rashid three times before the level 2 super tornado caught up and actually interrupted the hits, eating the last two hits of the super and freeing Rashid from the punish. Much to everyone’s surprise, Rashid was able to move freely at this point and with Ryu still stuck in the animation, Jimmy unfortunately took a hit here and lost the round.

What’s really interesting about this interaction is that, on paper, it actually makes sense. The large tornado has the ability to eat fireballs, and when it makes contact with them, it will essentially zap them until the durability of the super has been fully exhausted.

What’s very strange about this interaction, though, is that the tornado was able to override the fact that Rashid was already being hit, which probably shouldn’t be the case. That having been said, this is one of those interactions that you probably wouldn’t ever think of until it randomly happens, so it will be interesting to see if Capcom makes any changes in this regard to Rashid’s level 2 super by the time Street Fighter 6 Season 2 rolls around.
