R A P E, C H I L D A B U S E and TEENAGE MOLESTATION -Dicta Baci Shares her thought

R A P E, C H I L D A B U S E and TEENAGE MOLESTATION -Dicta Baci Shares her thought
Blessing Bassey aka Dicta Baci is renowned for her wide network of prolific and wild writings. An undergraduate of the University of Calabar, an event manager and planner. 

If i had my way i would demand for the review of our education syllabus, Sex Education should not just be a topic but a subject in all secondary schools atleast that is where we gain most when it comes to learninq…
Drugs, Peer Pressure, Misinformation And Ignorance has made so many young men take upon themselves Curses… Sex without an individual consent is RAPE, dnt try cajolinq even when they say NO. Child abuse and teenage molestation is now the order of the day. The reproductive organs of a girl is not to be played with.
Pelvic inflammatory disease(PID), Candidiasis, herpes and yeast infection are STDs that are not frequently mentioned but the exist and can destroy a girl’s reproductive organ.
Let us educate our boys more, let them know that a woman needs to be respected…