Quote of the Day : Read how journalist slams state-owned broadcast station, CRBC

Quote of the Day : Read how journalist slams state-owned broadcast station, CRBC
L-R: CRBC logo and Mr George Odok
14 April 2018 

‘With Canaan City FM, Hit FM, FAD FM and Sparkling FM; CRBC has become obsolete with government news alone’.

—Mr George Odok, News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), 13th April 2018, Calabar. 
CRBC is an acronym for Cross River Broadcasting Corporation. It’s state-owned radio and television broadcasting station. 
It has poor coverage, streamlined broadcasting limited to government stories, stale news, under-motivated staff, and obviously poor funding. Hmmm! 
Somewhere at Barracks Road, Calabar we have The Nigerian Chronicle, state-owned printing house whose buildings and operations is a complete shadow of itself! It’s in the sorriest state. 
Even the state government has reportedly abandoned her electronic media to reportedly retain national televisions like Channels TV, AIT, etc. Hmmm! 

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is the Blogger-in-Chief, Editor-in-Chief & Publisher of NegroidHaven