Quan Chi now available for early access in Mortal Kombat 1

Quan Chi now available for early access in Mortal Kombat 1

NetherRealm Studios and Warner Bros. Games return today with the second DLC character to join the fight in Mortal Kombat 1. Classic Mortal Kombat villain Quan Chi makes his grand entrance, and he is now available to play in-game via early access.

Mortal Kombat 1’s servers underwent a maintenance period this morning for a couple of hours as a means of making way for the latest update. This new update brings with it not only the latest fighter, but some other additions that fans are sure to enjoy as well.

Quan Chi is available today through early access for those who purchased the Premium Edition of Mortal Kombat 1 or the Kombat Pack. He will become available for everyone to purchase on December 21.

In Quan Chi’s big gameplay reveal trailer, fans were also given a glimpse at the next DLC Kameo Fighter, Khameleon. Unfortunately, she will not be included in this update and instead will see her release sometime in January 2024.

At the time of writing this, the latest Mortal Kombat 1 update is available for download. On PlayStation 5, the Quan Chi update comes in at around 16.41 GB.

Important note: In order to access Quan Chi, you will have to go into the in-game store, search for Mortal Kombat 1, and download him individually. He will be listed as free DLC for Kombat Pack and Premium Edition owners, and though you already own the content, you still need to go into the store and download him manually.

In addition to the new DLC character, NetherRealm Studios has also added several balance changes to the various fighters on the roster. Players can also look forward to the long-awaited Wi-Fi indicator and ability to turn down matches.

Kameo Fighter Darrius is getting a new Kameo move to give him his overhead kick as an Ambush option. And lastly, according to the Kombat Kast that aired yesterday, Kung Lao’s low hat throw Kameo has been nerfed so that it’s no longer advantaged on block.

You can play as Quan Chi right now by purchasing the Mortal Kombat 1 Kombat Pack to get the early access. This DLC will run you $39.99 USD and includes six new DLC characters (you’ll get early access when each one is released) and five new Kameo Fighters (also available at a later time).

Mortal Kombat 1’s main roster DLC characters consist of Omni-Man, Quan-Chi, Peacemaker, Ermac, Homelander, and Takahashi Takeda. The DLC Kameo Fighters include Tremor, Mavado, Janet Cage, Ferra, and Khameleon.

Those who want early access can also get it by purchasing the Premium Edition of Mortal Kombat 1. The Premium Edition will cost you $109.99 USD and comes packed with the main game, the Kombat Pack, and a handful of additional in-game goodies.

If you haven’t seen it already, you can also check out what Quan Chi’s second Fatality looks like in Mortal Kombat 1. We not only have the footage for you, but also the proper inputs to perform it.
