Public Voting on Supreme Court Decisions Debated

Public Voting on Supreme Court Decisions Debated


“I think it’s important because the system should be set up for all to be able to participate in what the direction of the country is going. Supreme Courts are put in for bias issues and so often their decisions do not equal the will of the people. All the politics in the country need to be designed to make sure the will of the people is what happens.”

Public Voting on Supreme Court Decisions Debated


“I think the public’s representatives, I think congress should have that authority. In term of, we are talking about placing some guard rails for all of the misdeed we have heard about from the Supreme Court Justices. So, I fully support congress establishing some rules and regulations and guidelines for Supreme Court Justices.”

Public Voting on Supreme Court Decisions Debated


“Yes. I have some favor about this question. The reason being, this newest Supreme Court that came in and undid a lot of precedent, laws that are already in the books, and the only thing that changed, people’s thoughts didn’t change about those issues, the only thing that changed was the political makeup of the Supreme Court. So, the Supreme Court is just supposed to be law and order, on the Supreme Court building are six words, “Equal Justice Under The Law” so now its who do you favor. So if that would inject the people’s ideas into those decisions, I’m all for that.”

Public Voting on Supreme Court Decisions Debated


“No. The Supreme Court justices are not here to cater to the public’s opinion. Allowing votes on decisions could compromise a lot of things.”

Public Voting on Supreme Court Decisions Debated


“I could see it being yes and no. Yes, because that would be interesting to include the public opinion on Supreme Court decisions to have more of a diverse voice, but at the same time no, because there could be people who would vote against Supreme Court decisions just based on their own personal beliefs, without looking out for everyone in the country, or having no true understanding of law.”

Public Voting on Supreme Court Decisions Debated


“No, I would think that if the public were allowed to vote on Supreme Court decisions, the Supreme Court would fall under a lot of political pressure from the public, and make decisions based on what they feel the public would vote for rather than what is in the country’s best interest.”
