Problem X and Kakeru demonstrate what a top level M. Bison looks like during online Street Fighter 6 matches

Problem X and Kakeru demonstrate what a top level M. Bison looks like during online Street Fighter 6 matches

M. Bison recently became a playable character in Street Fighter 6. Due to his release timing, M. Bison was, for better or worse, banned from being used at CEO 2024.

Under the right circumstances, we’ve seen that M. Bison is capable of dealing absolutely absurd amounts of pain, rising up to around 8,000 points of damage, but does this make him a top tier threat? Over on The FGC Place, match footage has been uploaded that depict Mouz|Problem X and Kakeru using M. Bison against Legend ranked players.

Throughout the first year of Street Fighter 6, Kakeru was recognized as being the top JP player. Unfortunately for him, JP received some rather harsh nerfs with the Season 2 patch.

As such, it would seem that Kakeru is experimenting with the original Psycho Power user that’s now playable in Street Fighter 6. It would seem that Kakeru has already become the highest ranked M. Bison player online.

Kakeru ends up running into Sasamo and Itazan, whom are Ed and Zangief Legend ranked players respectively. Both opponents prove themselves as being tough fights for Kakeru’s M. Bison.

Though Problem X is still a Master rank player, his master rating is still pretty close to Kakeru’s. Notably, Problem X was recognized as the top M. Bison player throughout Street Fighter 5.

Problem X’s M. Bison ends up taking on Broski’s A.K.I. (who appears to be a much better character this season) and Hurricane’s Cammy. Check it all out below:
