Pro Bono attorney announces a television broadcast in the US featuring a segment about persecution of the UOC

July 4, 2024

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On July 3, American attorney Robert Amsterdam, who represents the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, published a segment about the unlawful persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church on his X channel (formerly Twitter). He stated that this clip, prepared by his company Amsterdam & Partners LLP, is planned to be broadcast on several television channels in the United States reports the Union of Orthodox Journalists.

According to him, the film explores the acute human rights issue in Ukraine related to the state’s unlawful persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

“It features interviews with experts and victims, including soldiers and UOC parishioners risking their lives on the front lines, while their own government attacks and destroys their churches, imprisons their priests on false charges, and persecutes believers in order o curry favor with far-right elements,” Amsterdam commented on the video.

The international attorney emphasized his mission to protect religious freedom: “We must stop these unlawful human rights violations embodied in bill 8371.”

This documentary TV segment currently is scheduled to air on select channels in the United States. The film explores the urgent human rights issue in Ukraine relating to the state’s unlawful persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

It features interviews with experts and…

— Robert Amsterdam (@robertamsterdam) July 3, 2024

You can watch the video here.
