Princess Diana's step mother, Raine Spencer, dies at 87.

Princess Diana's step mother, Raine Spencer, dies at 87.

Nelson A.Osuala [ 22 October 2016]

The princess of Wales, groans in tears as death snatches her step mother, Raine Spencer, yesterday Friday 21st of October.

NHB learnt that the 87 year old strong woman gave up the ghost after a brief illness.

Countess Spencer as she is addressed, died in the early hours of Friday at her London home, her son William Legge, the Earl of Dartmouth confirmed the unfortunate incidence to press men.

According to a public statement released by her family which argues that  'Raine, Countess Spencer, died peacefully at her home in London on 21st October, 2016, after a short illness.'

May her soul rest in peace.
Photo credit : LIB.

Nelson A.Osuala
Is a Blogger & the Associate Editor of