Porn star who asked Reddit whether they could make it as a lawyer reveals TC success 

‘Nailed it’

Porn star who asked Reddit whether they could make it as a lawyer reveals TC success 
Regular readers of Legal Cheek may recall a rather eye-catching story over the summer where a former porn star questioned whether a career in law was within their reach.

Taking to message board Reddit back in August, the unnamed male claimed they had “appeared in many porn videos” but left the industry four years ago. They had since gone on to study law with a view to becoming a solicitor but feared they may be recognised from their performing days.

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The post attracted hundreds of comments, most of which agreed the transition from pornstar to lawyer is doable.

Well our mystery would-be lawyer has returned to Reddit with an important update — they’ve apparently secured a TC. “I’ve got myself a training contract for next year!” they write. “Thanks for all your support. I’m currently working as a paralegal.”

Those users following the story were quick to congratulate the former pornstar. “Nailed it,” one wrote. “Well done for not coming across as a massive dick,” another added.
