POLITICS WITHOUT ETHICS: I think the People of Cross River are Beginning to Lose Hope in this Government -By Obasesam Okoi

POLITICS WITHOUT ETHICS: I think the People of Cross River are Beginning to Lose Hope in this Government -By Obasesam Okoi

Obasesam Okoi|11 November 2015|10:55pm

Has Professor Ayade justified the Platonic philosophy that society will get better when philosophers rule?

I thought as a Professor he
knows exactly what our problems are and will address them head on. I understand that six months is not enough to get it right. But six months is enough time to set the compass of governance, at least on one sectoral issue.

So far, I feel confused about the direction of this government. I have no idea if we are in a democracy or a dictatorship. And it's not clear to me what the ideological bearing of
this government is. Is it communism? Capitalism? Fascism? Socialism?

Unless there's a disconnect between the media and the professor, I think the people of Cross River are beginning to lose hope in this government.

Obasesam Okoi
Is an Education Consultant