POLITICS: Time for Proactive Social Media Action -By DSomoryn

POLITICS: Time for Proactive Social Media Action -By DSomoryn

DSomoryn|22 January 2016|6:08am

There are presently over 200 political appointees with the CRS government.

If the 200 of us (Commissioners, Advisers, Chairmen of Boards and Commissions, Members, DG's, etc.), with our over 1000 aides and added to over 300 elected Assembly members, Senators, House of Reps members, Chairmen and councillors of Local government councils, come together to genuinely support the incumbent CRS government under the leadership of Professor Ben Ayade, there is no way we will not subdue our enemies, especially in the social media.

As a matter of policy, everyone of us should remain active on the social media and engage our detractors one on one. Even serving Permanent Secretaries and their family members should all open a Facebook account and start projecting the good works of government, as well as defending its policies.

We can not continue to be earning fat salaries and perks of office from government, and then look the other way, when outsiders keep attacking government interest.

All hands must be on deck, and the time to act is now. Anyone who fails to live up to this task, should be ready to face a sack.

Is a Public Affairs Analyst and Social Commentator