Ogon Abang|30 January 2016|4:35am
Your Excellency, let me start by commending you for your prompt salary payment, this is one special achievement to your name since 29th
May 2015. In Nigeria a statutory right like payments of salaries has been elevated to an achievement, hitherto our nation is a theater of
the absurd. Bravo.
Your Excellency, it is my personal opinion that you ignore many political boot lickers who always want you to feel everything is in control while everything is falling apart, they exaggerate your
popularity while you get so unpopular by the day; they tell you all is well when nothing is really well.
Your Excellency, you are almost becoming too busy for your people, busy you, Germany today, France tomorrow, Holland this week, Japan next week, all in search of foreign investors whose
developmental gains are still but pictorial.
Your Excellency, there is need to put out some of your many protocols and get closer to the electorate. Don't be misguided, have you been told of the House of Assembly misdemeanor?
This is not far from your leadership deficiency. Have you been told how epileptic councillors and chairpersons are now operating under your watch?
Forget their fake smiles and silence Have you really been fair to them?
How about the party? You are deliberately starving the party of funds.
Your Excellency, have you been told that you no longer have a Personal Assistant? Because of your hazardous nature of giving appointments all your Personal Assistants(PAs) have upgraded themselves to Special Assistant(SA), your special assistants have also upgraded themselves to special advisers. Nothing is working.
Your Excellency, appointees are to come and WORK not to come and CHOP, my fear is that your decision to use appointments as settlement tool will in the long run throw up a generation of
Cross Riverians without the ability to survive without political patronage. You are technically spelling doom for generations yet unborn.
Your Excellency, giving appointment to every politician will definitely not guaranty you their loyalty, it depicts a scenario of a governor without a workable team.
Your Excellency, have you been told of the tug of war between the Commissioner for Power and
the Director General of SEA? (State Electrification Agency) there was absolutely no need to have appointed a DG for SEA after creating a new
Ministry of Power; you have technically initiated a war between them, they started their fight from struggling for office space.
Your Excellency, you are obviously not the first governor to have had brothers and inlaws, Donald did, Imoke did, empower your relatives keep them
far and do business with them, there is
absolutely no need to bring them to governance, at the last check you are closely related to two commissioners, three of Frank Ayade's wife direct
brothers are Special Advisers. With due respect Sir, that's bad and unethical politics.
Your Excellency, however hope you are ready to create appointments for all the politicians in Cross River State? Obviously, if all your inlaws are
Special Advisers how about me? Any politician who doesn't get appointed by you will definitely not be your friend by 2019.
Your Excellency, in governance it is far better to talk less and do more than to talk more and do less, you have raised peoples expectations, 7 months and counting nothing has changed. Your
Excellency, governance is not the American movies you watch, nothing works magically and no firm tricks, you boasted like a magician to deliver the garment factory within 100 days, a
target that is physically and spiritually not feasible.
Your Excellency, less I forget, any attempt to hold LGA elections now will not go well for PDP. I am very convinced that you may not even be able to win 6 out of the 10 wards in Obudu.
Your Excellency, your many appointees will also have to fight amongst themselves for who to do? Check this out:
(Commissioner for Land Development,
Commissioner for Social Housing)
(Commissioner for Works,
Commissioner for Infrastructures)
(Commissioner for New City Development,
Chairman New City Development Board,
Special adviser New City Development.)
(Commissioner for ICT,
Commissioner for information,
Chairman ICT,
Special Adviser ICT,
Special Assistants ICT)
(Commissioner for Women Affairs,
Special Adviser Women Affairs,
Special assistant Women Affairs,
Personal Assistant Women Affairs)
(Special Adviser Job Creation,
Special Adviser Job Placement)
(Commissioner for Gas Resources,
Commissioner for Petroleum Resources,
Special Adviser Petroleum Resources)
(Director General Tourism Bureau,
Special Adviser Tourism Development,
Special Assistant Tourism Development.)
(Commissioner for Power
Bolaji Anani JNR Special Assistant Governor's.
Office “no job description”
Finally, Your Excellency, before I am taken to my abattoir do me well to remember that I am just but a concern citizen, a registered member of PDP. What matters most to me is your success and the fortune of our great party by 2019, if we all keep mute and die in fear who will bail the Cat?? Tick says the clock tick-tick what you have
to do, do quick.
Ogon Abang
Is a Public Affairs Analyst & Social Commentator