"Polished kids or Rubbished kids": GEJ's aide, Reno Omokri, Blasts Nigerian Parents & their kids.

"Polished kids or Rubbished kids": GEJ's aide, Reno Omokri, Blasts Nigerian Parents & their kids.

Nelson A.Osuala [ 22 October 2016]

In this piece, titled  ” Polished kids or Rubbished kids”, Reno Omokri air his view on what I am inclined to call the 'unchecked introduction of western culture and lifestyle on our indigenous cultural tradition.

He argued succinctly as well as regrettably, that the foreign cultural imitations, enculturation, Americanization , westernization and misinformed civilization has gradually led to what in the words of a famous writer can be conceived as a “lost of identity and heritage”.

He ( Reno) took to his Facebook page and critically analysed what to his mind is the difference between an African Polished kid and a Rubbish kid!.

What follows are his writings:

“My kids are born and bred in California and they each bear Itsekiri names. They know my language and they know their native dress.

Your kids aren't 'POLISHED' because they can't speak your native tongue. No. In fact that are 'RUBISHED' if all they know is English.

I remember once somebody asked me why my kids don't have English names. I told him as I am telling you, that when the English start giving their kids Itsekiri names, then I will start giving my kids English names.

Africans, emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. A Christian can still be a Christian with an African name. It is the faith that matters not the name!”

Tell us your take on the above.

Nelson A.Osuala
Is a Blogger & the Associate Editor of Negroidhaven.org
( Negroidhaven)