Polio Outbreak Response Coordinator at UNICEF

UNICEF contributes to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria with a mandate to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.

UNICEF’s Nigeria country programme:

Aims to accelerate the realization of the rights of all children and women to survival, development, protection and participation.
Promotes efforts to reduce infant, child and maternal mortality; expand access to quality basic education; and strengthen social and child protection systems.
Uses a rights-based and gender-sensitive approach
Plays a catalytic role in supporting federal, state and local governments in identifying key bottlenecks that hinder realization of the rights of disadvantaged children, supported by equity-focused, inclusive advocacy, planning, action and monitoring at all levels.
Supports adolescent development.Key responsibilities:

Summary of results-based vital functions &accountabilities:

The Polio Outbreak Response Coordinator will act in accordance with the NPHCDA's new blueprint, which focuses on boosting the quality of the Polio campaign, reaching missed children, and increasing community vaccine acceptance.
Undertake timely Polio Situation Analysis in the state, consistent with integrating sex-disaggregated data and periodic updating for effective project planning, development, and management.
Contribute to the development and implementation of Polio OBR micro plans through participation and collaboration with internal and external partners within the State EOC
Provide technical support and leadership for the planning and implementing Polio OBR and in-between-round activities such as microplanning, monitoring campaign activities, and communication-related activities, including social mobilization.
Ensure program implementation progress is monitored and evaluated for adjustment, acceleration, and improvement of program delivery and sustainability. Reports are generated on time, and data are analysed for actions.
Provide technical support to government and partners at all stages of the program cooperation, including capacity building of government personnel, staff, and community stakeholders.
Technical support and leadership provided for periodic training of Polio staff at the state and LGA level in various elements of the program.
Ensure UNICEF and Government accountability for supply and non-supply assistance and the disbursement of program funds for the sector. Ensure the efficient and effective use of resources (material, financial, and human resources).
Facilitate effective partnership and collaboration for advocacy, technical cooperation, program coordination, information sharing and knowledge management, and networking.
Provide technical support to the Polio team in developing communication strategies, tools, and materials to increase the demand for polio communication activities.
Ensure timely submission of all required program reports in compliance with the established guidelines and procedures.
Ensure emergency preparedness is maintained and emergency responses with effective coordination are provided in emergencies.
Lead and coordinate with other UNICEF programs on planning, monitoring, and reporting of integrated activities implemented to strengthen polio acceptance and achieve the organization's objective of stopping polio transmission and providing immunization-plus services equitably at the state level.
 To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…


An advanced university degree in Public Health, medicine, Pediatric Health, Child Development, Child Health, Nutrition, Epidemiology, Public Administration, Social Policy, Social Development, Social and Behaviour Change, Community Development, or other relevant disciplines and or experiences.


A minimum of five years of professional work experience at the national and international levels in planning, programming, implementation monitoring, or in Social and Behavior Change and evaluation of Immunization programs.
Professional work experience in a technical expert position related to child survival & health care, especially on immunization, outbreaks, and /or Social and Behavior Change.
Developing country work experience and a background/familiarity with work in emergencies and conflict-affected areas would be an asset.

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