Pokkén Tournament’s Shadow Mewtwo made playable in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate thanks to modding

Pokkén Tournament’s Shadow Mewtwo made playable in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate thanks to modding

Pokkén Tournament's Shadow Mewtwo made playable in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate thanks to modding

We recently saw the implementation of Ace Attorney’s Phoenix Wright as a character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate thanks to the power of modding. As expected, he functioned very similarly to how he does in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.

It turns out that the modding community was able to take a character concept from another fighting game and implement it into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This time, Milktoastmonika has put in the effort to add Pokkén Tournament’s Shadow Mewtwo. The Beefy Smash Doods have released a video covering its moveset.

Mewtwo already sort of fits the glass cannon archetype in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Despite being tall and having problematic hurtboxes, it is also very light and floaty.

While Mewtwo is very susceptible to losing stocks early due to these disadvantages, it tends to make up for these weaknesses with its high damage output and combo options. Additionally, Mewtwo functions well as a zoning character even though its only armed with one projectile (and a reflector).

Shadow Mewtwo takes this extreme design and somehow manages to make it even more extreme. Of course, while some of Shadow Mewtwo’s moves and abilities are identical to that of Mewtwo’s, its moveset is, for the most part, completely unique.

According to the lore established by Pokkén Tournament, Shadow Mewtwo is just a Mewtwo that was corrupted by a Shadow Synergy Stone. This Shadow Synergy Stone can be seen lodged in Shadow Mewtwo’s left shoulder.

While Shadow Mewtwo might have more powerful and crazier attacks than Mewtwo, this extra power comes at a price. Similar to Pichu, Shadow Mewtwo utilizes a number of attacks that inflicts damage to itself.

In Pokkén Tournament, Shadow Mewtwo also has a few moves that can recover some of the damage it had received throughout the match. With this Super Smash Bros. Ultimate mod, Shadow Mewtwo is only able to recover life via its idle stance, which really isn’t viable in a real match.

Regardless, Shadow Mewtwo utilizes very powerful attacks that can be used as practical combos. As an example, Shadow Mewtwo’s neutral special projectile (which can be charged just like Mewtwo’s) will briefly stun opponents before launching them upon hit. This gives Shadow Mewtwo an opportunity to chain additional hits for an even greater punish.

Shadow Mewtwo even has a number of attacks that will utilize either fire or aura properties based on which direction he attacks from. It’s actually fairly similar to how Gill’s attacks have unique properties based on him attacking either to the left or right in Street Fighter 3: Third Strike.

Check it all out below:

Source: Event Hubs