Pokemon GO Attack and Defense Deoxys Raid Guide: Best Counters, Shiny and How to Catch

Pokemon GO Attack and Defense Deoxys Raid Guide: Best Counters, Shiny and How to Catch

The DNA Pokemon Deoxys is back in Pokemon GO raids with an interesting twist. You can challenge both its Attack and Defense formes! These two variants showcase just how versatile this Psychic-type Mythical Pokemon can be. The Deoxys Attack Forme hits incredibly hard but goes down quickly, while Defense Forme is like trying to break through a brick wall. From January 16 to January 24, 2025, you’ll have the chance to add both forms to your collection. So without any more waiting, keep reading as we tell you about how to beat Attack and Defence Deoxys formes using our raid guide.

Deoxys Stats and Movesets (Both Forms)

In Pokemon GO, Both Deoxys Attack and Defence formes come with formidable stats, including a strong Attack stat. On the other hand, the Defense form comes with amazing protective capabilities. Here are the stats for both Deoxys Formes:

Stat Attack Forme Defense Forme
Attack 414 144
Defense 46 330
Stamina 137 137
Fast Moves Poison Jab, Zen Headbutt Counter, Zen Headbutt
Charged Moves Dark Pulse, Psycho Boost, Zap Cannon Thunderbolt, Psycho Boost, Rock Slide

Best Counters for Deoxys Raids

Even the most Pokemon GO trainers will need the best Deoxys counters for a quick victory. That said, check out the best for both formes below:

Deoxys Best Weaknesses and Resistances

Both forms share the same type advantages and disadvantages as pure Psychic-types. Here are the best Deoxys Attack and Defense forme weaknesses and resistances:

Weaknesses (Deal 160% damage):

Resistances (Deal 63% damage)

How to Catch Deoxys in Pokemon GO

When you get to the Deoxys catch screen, Golden Razz Berries are your best friend. Deoxys can be tricky to catch, but with good timing, you can land those Excellent curveball throws. Watch its attack animation and throw the ball just as it finishes. This will give you the best chance at hitting the target ring when it’s smallest. That said, that catch CP ranges to look out for are:

Deoxys Attack Forme:

  • Regular encounters: 1,372 – 1,474 CP
  • Weather Boosted: 1,716 – 1,842 CP

Deoxys Defense Forme:

  • Regular encounters: 1,228 – 1,299 CP
  • Weather Boosted: 1,535 – 1,624 CP

Can Deoxys be Shiny?

Yes, both Attack and Defense Forme Deoxys can be shiny in raids, with approximately 1-in-20 odds. If you’re lucky enough to encounter a shiny, don’t panic as it’s a guaranteed catch as long as you land the ball and aren’t moving too fast.

The key difference between these two forms is their raid difficulty. Attack Forme is glass cannon – experienced trainers can actually defeat it solo with the right counters. Defense Forme, however, requires a team effort due to its massive defense stat.

For the best results, gather 4-5 Pokemon GO trainers using the recommended counters above. Remember to check the weather too as windy weather will boost Psychic moves, making both Deoxys forms hit harder but also giving you weather-boosted catches.

We hope you’re now ready for the Pokemon with our Deoxys raid guide. Still have doubts? Ask away in the comments below.

Ash Singh

Ash is a gaming and esports writer/editor with a rich background in the industry since 2017. Starting as a beta tester, Ash progressed to become an esports player, specializing in MOBAs like AoV, Pokémon Unite, and Wild Rift. His expertise spans across mobile gaming and various video game platforms, with a particular passion for League of Legends.

Source: Beebom