Pilot Believes He Has Solved Amelia Earhart Crash Mystery

• CEO Tony Romeo believes to have found Amelia Earhart’s plane on a Pacific Ocean expedition
• Sonar images collected by using an underwater drone show blurry object shaped like Earhart’s plane
• Romeo plans to confirm his findings by revisiting the site in late 2024 or early 2025 and taking more photos

Here is what happened:

Former U.S. Air Force intelligence officer and CEO of Deep Sea Vision, Tony Romeo, claims to have discovered what he believes to be the wreckage of Amelia Earhart’s plane in the Pacific Ocean. While on an $11 million expedition, Romeo used an underwater drone to collect sonar images that appear to show a blurry object shaped like Earhart’s twin-engine Lockheed 10-E Electra. He is confident that the object is Earhart’s aircraft and plans to revisit the site in the future for further confirmation.

Romeo captured his sonar images about 100 miles away from Howland Island and approximately 5,000 meters underwater. He explained that there are no other known crashes in the area, particularly of that era and design. His discovery is considered proof of his findings, although he acknowledges that more work needs to be done to confirm the identity of the wreckage.

Excited about the prospect of solving the decades-long mystery of Earhart’s disappearance, Romeo considers it to be the most enduring aviation mystery of all time. He is hopeful that his discovery will provide closure and bring an end to the enduring question surrounding the fate of the pioneering aviator.

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