Picture of the Week: Ayade, Church of Christ's CSR, Calabar under critical scrutiny

Picture of the Week: Ayade, Church of Christ's CSR, Calabar under critical scrutiny

Efio-Ita Nyok|28 April 2018 

The official public responsibility of His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Cross River State, Sen. Prof. Ben Ayade and the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the Church of Christ particularly the branch in Yellow Duke by Atamunu, Calabar, Nigeria has been brought under profound scrutiny by Cross Riverians online.
In the picture(s) featured in this publication, one finds a sign post originally meant to bear the pro-engineering inscription 'men at work' now harbouring 'Ayade is working'. 
While residents and indigenes of Cross River are still trying to put up with the embarrassment caused by this Ayadeistic 'engineering revolution', we were routed to find this sign post at Yellow Duke street by Atamunu where there's a death-trap —potholes on a culvert. This is outrageous! 
Is Ayade actually working or does the phrase —'Ayade is working' meant to be understood in the light of a reverse gear? 
Again, as Ayade is under scrutiny, so is a Christian denomination —Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint. The question is : how comfortable is this church by this death-trap? I understand that they seem to have fixed any threat from the culvert. 
For instance, one Daniel Riwo has said, 
'Yellow Duke just Atamunu where we have the Jehova Witness church (he meant to say Church of Jesus Christ) …until the road swallows a car or divides into two Ayade will still be walking abi #working whichever'. Augusta Essien has also said : 'i pray this picture gets to him,this big pot holes is just by the big gutter.i always say a prayer weneva i pas dat route in e night.' For Igboke Paul Patrick, 'This is a death trap, the Government need to attend to this place as soon as possible, along Atamunu and Yellow Duke Street'. Michael Okori said, '
This place is a death trap… I seriously fear for motorists and night walkers.' 
Infrastructural development has to be spiked. In fact, that Yellow Duke /Atamunu potholes has to fixed with immediate alacrity, whether by the church or government! But, e be like say dis Church of Jesus Christ is selfish oooo. Can any one prove me wrong? 

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is the Blogger-in-Chief, Editor-in-Chief & Publisher of NegroidHaven