PHOTO NEWS : Singapore celebrate Her Golden Jubilee Of 50 Years of Independence.

PHOTO NEWS : Singapore celebrate Her Golden Jubilee Of 50 Years of Independence.

By Nelson Amaobi Osuala
August 9, 2015,  Time 10:19pm

“Nigeria has no excuse!”

I consider the above Statement as an appropriate introduction for an article of this nature. This is because I am a little ashamed when I compare the giant strides which Singapore has recorded with those of our dear country Nigeria.

if we are to analyse and weigh on a beam balance as a way of comparison the progress of the two respective Nations, We as Nigerians would be provoked to shed hot tears from our eyes as we are far far below Average.

Today, Singapore is marking her 50 Years of independence.  And Like Nigeria, this Nation (Singapore) suffered so much in the hands of her colonial masters.

They experienced gross Economic recession yet they fought and refused to be deterred by such.

They unanimously agreed to foster their Nation and bring it to limelight in competition with other developing Nations of the world.

Her leaders rejected personal interests by sacrificing it on the Altar of integrity and transparency so as to adequately and without any distraction, pursue a common goal which to borrow from the words of prof. Innocent Asouzu  “… Is geared towards the JOY of Being” as it is replicated in the philosophy of Harmonious complementation of a collective efforts and interest of all the stakeholders that make up the entire citizenry.

According to reports from our source, SINGAPORE threw a big party Sunday for its 50th anniversary of independence and unrivaled economic success in a region struggling with poverty and political instability, even as the city-state began feeling the pinch of a midlife crisis.

According to a William  Nathan, a 70 Year Old Man who in an interview asserts that :
“This is a milestone. Coming from an older generation that has seen Singapore through the early years of independence, I know it took hard work by our leaders to get here,”.

In my opinion, our leaders should lend a cue from this Nation and put away self deluded interests in order to pursue a common good for this our Nation.
