PHOTO NEWS: Buhari Anticipates A Successful Nuclear Summit In Washington DC.

PHOTO NEWS: Buhari Anticipates A Successful Nuclear Summit In Washington DC.

By Nelson A. Osuala [31 march 2016] 06:02am

president Muhammadu Buhari arrival at Washington DC was greeted with a warm welcome as he exchanges Handshakes with US delegates and other eminent personalities. The purpose of Mr president's visit was attend the Nuclear Security Summit where he would join other world leaders in finding a way out of insurgencies that have plagued the Human race as she is almost tending to extinction.

Other issues to be addresses include how the dirty bomb made with such radioactive elements like uranium and plutonium can be protected from terrorists.

Our source gathered that world leaders like the President of Iran was not invited and also Vladimir Putin of  Russia who was given a good hand of fellowship to attend the Summit did for reasons best known to him turned down the invitation.
We cannot stop to wonder ' Why?'.

Nelson A.Osuala is an Associate Editor in Negroidhaven.