People are saying this is the most difficult combo to perform in all of Street Fighter 6 and they might be right

People are saying this is the most difficult combo to perform in all of Street Fighter 6 and they might be right

Street Fighter 6 has quite a lot to its mechanics that allow for intricate, flashy, impressive, and difficult-to-perform combos to be created. Some characters have been a combo-maker’s dream, and a lot of us lab monsters are always searching for the best and hardest to do combos that can be found in game.

A new combo has entered the ring that several people (including pros) are saying is the hardest combo in all of Street Fighter 6. This Rashid sequence from GallantGamer011 is certainly hard to do, and the people could very well be right that it might be the hardest combo to execute in Street Fighter 6 so far.

This whole combo came about seemingly as a result of a request from content creator Broski on Twitter. The talented A.K.I. player asked the people to send him the hardest combos to perform in all of Street Fighter 6 so that he could try and complete them on stream.

GallantGamer011 responded with a Rashid combo that definitely fits the bill of being hard to do.

“From the Rashid guys, whats better than one 2HP link, Doing four,” wrote GallantGamer011 about the combo. That description perfectly explains what exactly makes this combo so hard, but since this might just sound like technical jargon, allow me to explain it in a way that most people can understand.

In Street Fighter 6, Rashid has an optimal link into his jumping down + heavy punch during a juggle in the corner that, when executed properly, allows him to bypass the bounce off of the opponent he normally does when hitting this normal and instead drop right back down to the ground. This link timing is very tight (a 1-frame link, I believe), and while it’s hard to do consistently, landing it allows Rashid to extend his combo in better ways than he normally would in this situation.

What makes GallantGamer011’s combo so hard is that it incorporates four of this same jumping down + heavy punch link in the same combo, when normally optimal Rashid play sees one used at most (maybe two if someone wants to try and get real swaggy).

Several people in the Twitter comments for this combo are calling it the hardest combo in all of Street Fighter 6, and this even includes one of the best pro Rashid players on the scene today, BigBird. Trying this combo myself, I can confirm that it is truly tough to perform (though with a bit of time I think I can get it).

Do you think this is the hardest combo in all of Street Fighter 6? If you’ve tried to do it yourself, how did it go? Let us know in the comments.
