“Populism is the voice of the voiceless. The real threat to democracy is from the elites,” argues guitarist Winston Marshall at Oxford Union debate.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) was taken to the woodshed by British folk rock guitarist Winston Marshall during a recent Oxford Union debate over her stance against populism and “contempt for ordinary people.”
Marshall, host of the UK’s “Marshall Matters” podcast for The Spectator and former guitarist for Mumford & Sons, eviscerated Pelosi to her face over her demonization of populism and the working class.
“Words have a tendency to change meaning,” Marshall countered during the April 25 event.
“‘Populism’ has become a word used synonymously with ‘racist,’” he said. “We’ve heard ‘ethno-nationalist,’ we have ‘bigot,’ we have ‘hillbilly,’ ‘redneck,’ we have ‘deplorable.’ Elites use it to show their contempt for ordinary people.”
This is outstanding. Nancy Pelosi waltzes into Oxford Union Debate and gets a populist spanking from Winston Marshall.
Nancy interrupts several times.pic.twitter.com/4JoXYKBbXe
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— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) May 11, 2024
Marshall pointed out that the term “populist” was used positively by former President Barack Obama and other Democrats to describe themselves until Donald Trump entered politics.
In 2016, then-President Barack Obama “took umbrage of the notion that Trump be called a populist,” Marshall noted.
“If anything, Obama argued that he was the populist. If anything, Obama argued that Bernie was the populist,” Marshall said. “Something curious happens. If you watch Obama’s speeches after that point, more and more recently, he uses the word ‘populist’ interchangeably with ‘strong man,’ ‘authoritarian.’”
“The word changes meaning. It becomes a negative, a pejorative, a slur,” he added.
“Populism is not a threat to democracy. Populism is democracy. And why else have universal suffrage if not to keep elites in check?” he asked.
“I’m actually rather surprised that our esteemed opposition, Congressman Pelosi, is on that side of the motion,” he said. “I thought the left was supposed to be anti-elite. I thought the left was supposed to be anti-establishment.”
“Today, particularly in America, the globalist left have become the establishment,” he stated. “I suppose for Ms. Pelosi to have taken this side of the motion, she’d be arguing herself out of a job.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, populism is the voice of the voiceless. The real threat to democracy is from the elites,” he concluded.
Pelosi was even mocked for reaffirming that the 2016 presidential election was “hijacked” while at the same time calling Trump a threat to democracy for questioning the 2020 election.
Democrats Viciously Targeted Donald Trump For Questioning Election Results, They Even Wanted Him In Prison For It
Just days ago Nancy Pelosi was told she should accept Donald Trump won the 2016 election against Trump
She couldn’t help herself and yelled out “It was hijacked!” pic.twitter.com/s7Z4iK8kqi
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) May 12, 2024
“The threat to democracy comes from those who write off ordinary people as ‘deplorables,’” he noted. “This populist age can be brought to an end at the snap of a finger. All that needs to be done is for elites to starting listening to, respecting, and God forbid, working for the ordinary people.”
Watch the full debate: