PECULIAR BREED: Preacher to commission fledgling Christian organisation in Calabar

PECULIAR BREED: Preacher to commission fledgling Christian organisation in Calabar

Ukpanukpong(L), Ugar(R)

Efio-Ita Nyok|12 November 2016

Pastor Akomaye Ugar, a popular Christian preacher, author and pastor based in Calabar has been fingered to feature prominently in the upcoming commissioning service of a fledgling Christian denomination billed to hold today in Calabar.

Pst Ugar will be commissioning Perculiar Breed Gospel Ministry International (PBGMI) whose Mission Bearer is Pastor Fidelis Ukpanukpong in a service tagged: Manifestation and themed: Grace for Unlimited Exploits. The programme is designed to start by 9AM at PBGMI Auditorium located at 67 Edgerley Road.

According to the Pst Ukpanukpong the Mission Bearer, 'God is raising a people, powered by His grace to provide creative and innovative solutions to solve global problems.

'This Service seeks to empower you to break through invisible barriers and launch you into a realm of unlimited exploits. As a peculiar breed, God desires to be glorified by your good works (that dream, that vision, that project, that idea) that can make the world a better place and give humanity a meaningful existence.

'Join us on the 12th of November and I promise you your life can never be the same.'

All roads in Calabar leads to PBGMI Auditorium located at 67 Edgerley Road, Calabar.

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of