Peacemaker’s second Fatality in Mortal Kombat 1 and how to perform it

Peacemaker's second Fatality in Mortal Kombat 1 and how to perform it

After waiting a few months, DC’s Peacemaker is now officially available as Mortal Kombat 1 for owners of the game’s Kombat Pack or Premium Edition and can be accessed by downloading the new patch that also includes Krossplay.

Players are immediately jumping in with the new fighter to try and figure out all of his tricks and setups, and that also includes getting to look at Peacemaker’s Fatality 2 in MK1 plus how to perform it.

The great TQT was quick to upload Peacemaker’s Pest Exterminator finisher, and it’s looking more on the goofy side — though still pretty brutal.

To start out, an alien bug crawls out of the opponent’s mouth, which causes John Cena’s vigilante fighter to pull out a shotgun and try blasting it out of the air.

Unfortunately for the other character, however, Peacemaker doesn’t really care about what else he hits, so he ends up blasting most of the limbs off the other kombatant before putting a hole in their chest as the insect dodges.

These insects are the alien parasitic butterflies seen throughout the Peacemaker TV show with the Fatality referencing at least a few scenes and his reckless abandon.

We previously saw the new DLC character’s first Fatality in his debut gameplay trailer where he flies through the opponent, ripping them in half with his jetpack before blowing them up with his Sonic Boom helmet.

Thanks to TQT, we can also see that the inputs for the Pest Exterminator finisher are down, forward, down, 4 (Circle on PlayStation 5 and B on Xbox by default).

Peacemaker can be accessed now through MK1’s first Kombat Pack for $40 alongside the previously released Quan Chi and Invincible’s Omni-Man plus The Boys’ Homelander, Ermac and Takeda arriving in the coming months.

Those looking to pick up Peacemaker as a standalone fighter will need to wait until March 6 to do so where he can be purchased for $8.
