PDP Member in Cross River State —by Firsts Baba Isa

PDP Member in Cross River State —by Firsts Baba Isa

14 September 2019 
On Ayade's Election Tribunal Victory: the judiciary is the last hope of the masses. I'm proud of the justices. Forward ever.
On Buhari's Election Tribunal Victory: the judiciary has been bought. It's a shame. Corrupt justices. 
APC Member in Cross River State.
On Buhari's Election Tribunal Victory: the judiciary is the last hope of the masses. I'm proud of the justices. Forward ever.
On Ayade's Election Tribunal Victory: the judiciary has been bought. It's a shame. Corrupt justices. 
You still can't see our problem?
Justice is not when you win. 
This truth should be self evident but sadly this is not so in our clime. In Nigeria, the only time justice is seen to have been done is when a litigant wins. 
People praise the courts and the judiciary when they win and lambast the courts and judiciary when they lose. For them the judiciary can only be right when the court agrees with them, anything else is unacceptable. 
You will see two litigants, especially politicians, addressing the press after a court has delivered judgement.
Scene 1 PDP just won, APC lost. 
PDP: today the judiciary has proven that they are truly the last hope of the common man. The judgement was sound. We thank the judiciary for standing up for democracy. 
APC: with these kind of judgements emanating from our judiciary, our democracy is being threatened and the hope of the common man to get justice is gone forever. 
Few months after. Same parties or litigants. Same judiciary. But this time APC won. PDP lost. 
APC: the judiciary has proven that indeed it is the hope of the common man. The judges are indeed brave. We salute their wisdom and courage. 
PDP: this judgment is indeed shocking. Well, what do you expect from a corrupt judiciary. The judges were certainly bribed. Shame on them. This country is heading nowhere with a judiciary that give such judgements. 
So, the point is clear: the judiciary is only performing when a litigant wins. Justice is when a party wins in court. 
SMH. Las, Las, we go dey alright. Maybe not.
– Firsts Baba Isa (FBI) is a Legal Practitioner and writes from Abuja