Paradise to hold public hearing on vegetation removal – Paradise Post

Paradise to hold public hearing on vegetation removal – Paradise Post

PARADISE — Vegetation management has played a large role in recovery this year throughout Paradise as actions from the local municipality are set to continue.

The Paradise Town Council is slated to hold a public hearing on Tuesday to discuss further weed abatement.

During its last meeting in October, the council unanimously voted to get the ball rolling on weed abatement by declaring overgrowth on a property a public nuisance after deeming that the vast majority of the town has reached compliance with the defensible space code.

Notices were mailed out to property owners whose parcels remained overgrown.

“As part of the abatement process, the Town Council must hear objections to the proposed removal of vegetative growth and refuse at this meeting,” the related agenda report said. “This hearing allows any affected property owner to object to the proposed abatement of hazards on their property. The Town Council will listen to and consider all objections and may accept or overrule them.”

Once the decisions are made, the town will have the ability to go forward with abatement work and cleaning. Cost recovery will likely play a role through billing property owners once the work is completed.

Other business

Besides the public hearing:

• The council will mull reviewing the Paradise Emergency Waring Sirens Guidelines.

• A discussion will be held on a potential California Environmental Quality Act notice of exemption for a fire hydrant repair project.

The Paradise Town Council generally meets at 9 a.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at its chambers located at 5555 Skyway in Paradise. Meetings are free and open to the public. 
