Panic in Brussels: why the EU cannot survive Donald Trump | The Liberty Beacon

We have Stephane Bancel, former commercial director of Moderna, one of the pharmaceutical groups that produced the Covid vaccine.

The other is Kevin Thurm, former director of the Clinton Foundation. This foundation was generously funded, amongst the others, by the benefactors of ISIS, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

These characters in the last days have been speaking on the phone with anguish and preoccupation because they are facing the  worst case scenario.

Trump has won in a landslide. There was simply no match between him and Kamala Harris, and honestly no other candidates would have made any difference.

Donald Trump is too popular at this moment. The American people see with their own eyes that the  former real estate king of New York is just not another run of the mill politician.

He has put everything on the line for his country, including his life, and his consensus compared to 2016 went way over the roof with 75 million votes.

In Washington, the deep state loyalists had already given up. They realized that the Biden administration did not restore the previous status quo, but instead maintained most of Trump’s policies, and we are  going to see why in a moment.

But in Brussels, the capitol of the EU and in the other side of the Euro-Atlantic block, the panic is possibly  even more intense.

America and its globalist secret government

Donald Trump is carrying out a new policy that is ending almost 80 years of Euro-Atlantic (dis) order.

We are talking about the political status quo conceived by the winners of WW2 in Bretton Woods and in  Yalta.

It is the so-called anglosphere, which was chosen by the globalist powers who ruled Washington for  many decades.

Several analysts like to call it the “secret government”, which is the conglomerate composed by think tanks  and institutions such as the Bilderberg Group, the Bohemian Grove, the Club of Rome, Chabad Lubavitch, AIPAC and the Aspen Institute.

They are financed by infamous banking families like the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Morgans and the Rockefellers.

Up to now, the United States was not in charge of its own sovereignty.

Instead, this secret government was in charge. Those who previously tried to free Washington from this globalist and Zionist stronghold were brutally executed like JFK, who was considered an intolerable threat for Israel due to his tenacious opposition to the Israeli nuclear program.

The EU has the same origins. It is none other than a creation of these lobbies as well. The first to conceive the idea of an European superstate was the infamous Count Kalergi, who was financed back in the 1920’s and 30’s  by the ubiquitous Rothschild and Warburg families.

Kalergi “dreamt” of a Europe where the Nation State no longer existed and where European ethnic groups  would be replaced by a melting pot of African and Asian people, in order to favor the ruling of the Jews.

These were his words, not ours.

After WW2, the United States ushered in as the guarantor of the globalist plan and, as a result, started to pour money into the European Union plan, where the first building bricks were posed through CECA and the treaty of Rome in 1957.

Washington arranged at the end of the 1940’s a special committee to create this European supranational organizationwhich was the American Committee for a United Europe.

The head of this committee was William Donovan, head of the OSS, the precursor of the CIA. Its task  was to favor the birth of the EU institutions, such as the European Commission and the European government.

Panic in Brussels: why the EU cannot survive Donald Trump | The Liberty Beacon

William Donovan, former head of the OSS

The secret government of Washington wanted to replace the European national states with a supranational organization for one reason only.

It was to usher in the rise of the so-called global governance and the EU was certainly a key element of it.

The results of this process are before the eyes of the European people.

National governments lost much of their sovereignty, and social and economic inequalities skyrocketed.

European citizens don’t even know the names of “their” EU commissioners, who are unelected by the people and are financed by banking and pharmaceutical companies. These are the real rulers of Brussels.

The American empire was undoubtedly the main pillar of the Euro-Atlantic block. Washington’s deep state encouraged and accelerated the demise of the European national states because they are an enemy in the eyes of the so-called New World Order.

This is the story of the 20th century. A story where nations were deprived of their fundamental prerogatives and where decisions were taken by a tiny elite operating behind the stage of which the ordinary people knew nothing about.

The new sovereign course of Trump

But Donald Trump ended this continuity. He ended the continuity where the United States, instead of defending its sovereignty, worked to carry out the decisions of the secret government, which was the real government in Washington.

The deep state is a term that describes all those unelected powers that have controlled the presidency in the last century and also in the beginning years of this century.

Trump was a sort of unexpected element. The deep state was in shock when he won the 2016 election, and this explains the perpetual war being waged against him by the secret government.

By perpetual war, we are talking about the endless series of coups, such as Spygate and Italygate. There were also several assassination attempts, two of which took place this year. We believe that in the Butler attempt,  Trump was miraculously saved by Divine Providence.

July 13, 1917 was the day when the Virgin appeared for the third time in Fatima. It is interesting to note that since the attempts on his life, President Trump is demonstrating a devotion to the Mother of God, which could be interpreted as a path of approach towards the Catholic faith.

Let’s turn our attention now to the recent election. The New World Order knew that it would have been impossible to repeat the 2020 fraud. State electoral laws were changed. The widow of Evelyn de Rothschild, Lynn Forester, held an emergency meeting in 2021 with 100 CEOs of major corporations in order to prevent the electoral reforms.

We might say that the 2020 electoral fraud was allowed by Trump and his team, under certain circumstances. (ER: We’re of the same opinion, not least because the Ukraine and Israel situations still had to be dealt with before Trump could officially return. These two countries were bastions of Zionist deep state control and had to be dealt with as part of the global clean-up. Did these countries really experiences ‘wars’ or were the militaries of up to 35 countries in there doing removal operations? Further, most of the Covid period unfolded after Trump was apparently out of office, from January 2021, when the Covid vaccines started to be rolled out. Perpetrators during this period needed to be caught.)

Trump was perfectly aware that the deep state was conspiring against him and he signed the EO 13848 against foreign election interference in order to deal with this situation.

Panic in Brussels: why the EU cannot survive Donald Trump | The Liberty Beacon

The EO 13848 signed by Trump

When Biden “won” the election through rigged mail ballots and cyber warfare attacks carried out by Switzerland, Germany and Italy, a lot of people thought it was over.

Many people thought that the Great Reset would be unstoppable, but when the Biden administration was sworn in , it failed to execute the globalist plans.

As a result, the international mainstream press started to complain about the Biden administration, like the Financial Times that reported that Joe Biden was not changing Trump’s policies.

Panic in Brussels: why the EU cannot survive Donald Trump | The Liberty Beacon

The Financial Times complained about the “continuity” between Trump and Biden

There could be an explanation to this contradiction. Several military sources claim that the transfer of power was never really carried out in 2021, because Trump signed the Insurrection Act.

As a result, this administration was politically void.

Whatever happened, and perhaps history one day will give us the answer, it managed to stop the fulfillment  of the WEF plans and dismantled the Covid terrorist operation.

ER: Our information says that the US government has been in a military Continuity of Government (COG) situation since January 2021 putting a committee of people in charge, with Trump named Commander-in-Chief (CIC) by them.

The EU cannot survive another Trump term

Now, globalism is facing the worst case scenario that we have mentioned previously. The EU is the last and frail  bulwark of the global governance and Trump seems intent to wage an economic war against it.

The globalist institutions in Europe are terrified about this “looming” scenario.

For instance, Leslie Vinjamuri, U.S. and Americas program director at Chatham Houseshared some interesting ideas about the present moment that should be considered, given the kind of institution that  Vinjamuri represents.

Chatham House is the British version of the US CFR, and the successor of the Round Table.

At the beginning of the last century, the British branch of the Rothschilds chose this think tank to better represent its interests.

The idea of the Chatham House is the same as globalism and it was well expressed by one of his members, the historian Arnold Toynbee, who gave a speech in 1931 in Copenhagen, where he said these words.

“We are currently working with all who can make all the nation-states of our world forget about the  mysterious power called sovereignty. And we constantly deny what we really do.”

Thus, Chatham House strives for a New World Order. It wants to remove motherlands with an international conglomerate in order to favor the rise of a one world government.

Now its members seem to know very well that this historical phase is over and we are stepping into a new one, a return of the nations.

In this regard, Vinjamuri claims that Trump “now knows who he feels has wronged him both at home and on the international stage and has worked out with the team around him on plans for how to cut them off at the knees.”

We partially agree with this statement, because Trump and his team just gave the impression of being fooled  by their adversaries but they never lost control, as we have seen what took place during the Biden administration.

Now, we are in the terminal phase of a plan that was conceived at least back in 2015. Trump’s second (or third mandate) aims to dismantle what is left of globalism, and its main target is the Euro-Atlantic bloc and in particular, the EU.

Clearly, Brussels can’t exist on its own. It is a creature of the United States, and if Washington chose to use  all of its power to wage an economic war against the EU, the latter cannot survive.

The EU needs the US more than the US needs the EU. Bilateral trade between the two blocks tells us that the EU exports goods to the US for a value of 550 billion Euros. But the US does not export its goods solely to the EU.

The three main markets of the US are Canada, Mexico and China. Therefore if a US/EU trade war were to break out, Brussels would find itself on the losing side.

We can see that the pieces of the EU’s frail skeleton are already starting to fall. Last week, German finance minister Lindner resigned because of a disagreement between him and Chancellor Scholz over budget  spending.

Germany is facing an unprecedented economic crisis and it turned from being the economic locomotive of Europe into its dead weight.

The euro is no longer giving Berlin that artificial advantage that boosted German exports. The EU is stuck in a deflationary spiral, and governments are still enforcing neoliberal austerity policies.

Hence, the violent and impetuous German deindustrialization.

So if the French-German axis of the EU is going down, how can Brussels survive this phase, considering the looming trade war with the US?

It simply can’t. Therefore, we should not be surprised if in these hours the EU bureaucrats are panicking.

They know that the perfect storm is coming and after it, there will probably be no trace of the “dream” that Count Kalergi had envisioned.

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