Over 1.2 million people aided by Greek Church's charitable programs in 2023

Athens, December 11, 2024

Photo: sekpe.org Photo: sekpe.org     

The Church of Greece has reported an increase in both charitable giving and the number of people served through its ministries in 2023.

The issue was one of many discussed by the Standing Holy Synod of the Church of Greece at its session on Monday and Tuesday of this week under the presidency of Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece, reports Romfea.

The Synodal Committee on Social Welfare and Charity summarized the statistics of the Archdiocese of Athens and the many Metropolises of the Church of Greece, reporting that a total of $125,610,116 (119,319,020.66 euros) was spent on various charitable causes in 2023.

Additionally, 8,133,575 pounds of various types of food were donated.

In 2022, the corresponding numbers were $123,897,762 (117,693,581.01 euros) and 5,166,186 pounds of food.

There was a total of 4,360 ecclesiastical charitable structures operating 2023, with 15,377 volunteers. In total, 1,296,512 needy people benefited from the Church’s services, compared to 865,277 beneficiaries in 2022.

The Synod also decided that a collection tray will be passed during the Christmas Divine Liturgy in all churches to support the program assisting Christian families in Thrace who have three or more children.

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