Our Dear Youth Commissioner: How social media user tore Asu Okang to tatters!

Our Dear Youth Commissioner: How social media user tore Asu Okang to tatters!

6 August 2017 
I don't get involved in political talks and governance in Nigeria on my timeline. If so, I seldom do that. Not because I am among those watching and waiting for people to talk but because I do much of the advocacy offline. ''Leadership is about influence'' – John C. Maxwell. From experience, most of us should believe that. When we appoint people to lead us, it should be on the basis of  influence and  guiding us towards a better life. Governance basically is no different, it is leadership. Certain qualities and beliefs are expected of a leader; every leader has an inner circle as well as people he chooses to walk and work with him. These people are chosen because  they understand his vision and know how to help achieve it.
Why all this pep talk about leadership? Because where there is no vision the people perish and Cross River state seems to fit this statement. Is the Governor doing well? is there evident development in the state? Answer that for yourself but what I can answer about Cross River is that  the Commissioner for Youth and Sports in the state has FAILED in my opinion. Yes my opinion and i will tell you why.
I read an article online and heard some back-story about what happened during the Unical students' week program.
Link to article:
Back to qualities of a good leader, you should model the best example for your follower. in words and actions and at all times, keep personal opinion to yourself especially that which has a mixed public standing especially religion where we don't have a public consensus on. Our dear Commissioner Failed the test when he addressed young Minds at the Unical Student week who are yet to form basic life decisions for themselves and during his speech he said something and i quote him according to the report from TDN
“I am not against cultism because it offers you an opportunity to associate and make friends, what I am against is the raising of arms against each other,”  
Now Cultism falls under the topical issue where we don't have a public consensus on. And the young Man Endorsed it among young minds creating a new perspective about cultism in their minds. About the concluding part of him saying “What I am against is the raising of arms against each other,”  I ask, do you know how many people who  went into cultism to make friends and network only to end up carrying arms?  The Nigerian prisons should  be able to answer that will the inmates there.
As a youth ambassador, many youth look up to you. And your words are seen as experiences that has shaped your life and helped you attain that office so if they follow you, they will turn out the same way. So congratulations, you just planted a seed for cultism advocacy without arms in the heart of the young ones. If there is anything like that in Nigeria. 
Another quality of a good leader is, his humility in accepting rebuke and correction from his people. When you are wrong, you accept your mistake, apologies and move on to your work at hand. Again our dear Commissioner has also failed here, when he should have apologies and correct himself, he takes a stand of claiming to be correct stating he was quoted out of context. Hahahahah!!!!
Link to article:
PR Gone wrong. They Lie!. In what context were you speaking? That was a simple sentence which could be understood by  dummies.  You need common sense application to understand what was meant when he said, ''I am not against cultism because it offers you an opportunity to associate and make friends, what I am against is the raising of arms against each other,”  so straight. 'I AM NOT AGAINST CULTISM……' 
meaning of context from Google:
1.the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood.
2.the parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning.
That statement was clearly understood  as what you meant.
Thank God this is no china , south Korea or middle East. “Oga for don resign or…..” .
Our dear Commissioner should humble himself and accept what is wrong as a leader and not defend his office. Cross River has intelligent minds that understand things. Don't insult that gift.
I am vexed because our  youth are  the future of our society and the wrong information can destroy that future.
Justus Oseuno
4th August 2017 
Calabar, Nigeria