Tanzania, April 24, 2024
Photo: exarchate-africa.ru
Thanks to the efforts of clerics from the Russian Orthodox Church’s African Exarchate, Scriptural, Patristic, and catechetical works have been published in various African languages.
With financial support from the Moscow-based Nicea publishing house, the Gospel of Mark with Patristic commentary was published in Swahili, translated by Archimandrite Zachariah (Mulingua), the Exarchate reports.
The new edition was distributed by African Exarch Metropolitan Konstantin of Zaraisk during a recent trip to Tanzania. Copies also reached Exarch clerics in Kenya.
The Catechism of St. Nicholai (Velimirović) was published in the Chewa language, translated by Deacon Savva Kajava, and distributed amongst parishioners in Malawi.
Additionally, a catechism for children was published in Bemba, translated by Fr. Sylvester Mumbi, and distributed to the faithful of Zambia.
There have been several pieces of joyous news from Africa lately. About 1,000 Malawians baptized in one weekThe newly baptized were given cross necklaces and icons to start an icon corner with, as well as an Orthodox catechism in the Chewa language, prepared specifically for this trip.
“>About 1,000 Malawians were baptized during the recent visit of Met. Konstantin, Mass Baptism and Wedding service in TanzaniaMore than twelve dozen people were baptized into Christ in the Holy Orthodox Church in Tanzania this weekend.”>132 people were recently baptized by Metropolitan Dimitrios of Irinoupolis (Tanzania) of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, followed by the wedding of 17 couples, and 10 novices tonsured as nuns at Ugandan Monastery of St. Mary of EgyptSt. Mary of Egypt Convent was founded in the early 2000s at Holy Transfiguration Church in Degeya with the support and spiritual blessings of Metropolitan Jonah Lwanga of thrice-blessed memory.”>10 women were tonsured as nuns at a Ugandan monastery over the weekend.
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