Organised Business Representative (Harry Gwala, UGu, uMgungundlovu) at KwaZulu-Natal Liquor Authority March, 2024

Never pay for any CBT, test or assessment as part of any recruitment process. When in doubt, contact us

Nomination procedure
Your nomination should include the following:

  •  Completed Nomination Form obtainable from the offices of the Department of Economic Development Tourism and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA)
  •  A motivational letter (Max. 3 pages) giving details why you are nominating the individual for the position. 
  •  The motivational letter should also include the following information, which will be used in considering the nominee for the committee: 
    • Expertise and experience relevant to the Liquor Authority’s mandate.
    • Professional standing or recognition relevant to the Liquor Authority’s mandate. 
    • Demonstrated experience of the individual working in a committee environment.
    • Demonstrated experience in accordance with the category for which such nominations made.
    • Indication of the Cluster which is being applied for. Only one Nomination per cluster to be submitted – multiple nominations across the clusters will not be considered
  • Written confirmation of the Nominees representation from –
    • The relevant organised commerce body in terms of section 32 (2) (b)
    • The relevant community structure in terms of Section 32 (2) (d) of the Act.
  • Written and signed confirmation from the Nominee of his/her willingness to have their name put forward as a potential member of the Local Committee.
  • Certified copy of the Nominee’s Identity Document.
  • Affidavit from the nominee confirming the candidate is not disqualified for such appointment in terms of section 32(5) of the Act.
  • Nominee’s curriculum vitae (maximum of 5 pages) with certified copies of academic qualifications.

Applications must be submitted ONLY via email to [email protected] or dropped into a specially marked box at the Head office of the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs at 270 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg.

If you have any queries about the Nomination Process, kindly contact: Chief Director – Navlene Thavar, Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs on 082 852 5300

Click Here To Apply