OPPOSITION: The Image of CRS APC & LP before and after 13-02-16 -By Efio-Ita Nyok

OPPOSITION: The Image of CRS APC & LP before and after 13-02-16 -By Efio-Ita Nyok

Efio-Ita Nyok|16 February 2016|5:00am

°I wrote this article about the period before the 13 February 2016 defection of some former PDP bigwigs in CRS to the APC, and has decided to publish it largely unedited for obvious reasons.

Democracy has been popularly defined as 'government by the people, of the people and for the people'. This classical definition is attributed to President John F. Kennedy. This political culture represent the legacy of Greece to global political culture. In the then city-states of ancient Greece, every mature male, who was above 18, found himself in the Parliament of Greece to discuss the political fate of his people. While the like of Plato have described this trend as mob politics, where every Tom, Dick and Harry found his way into politics, the beauty of it all is that, the ultimate target of this style of politicking was that the interest and anticipations of the people was objectified.

A vital component of democracy contends that the rule of law and fundamental human rights especially the right to freedom of speech are sacrosanct; these duo are non-negotiable. The universal human 'right of freedom of speech' is further entrenched by the intellectual horizon of G.W.F. Hegel's theory of 'thesis, antithesis and synthesis' where he argues that balance ensues in any system is occasioned by the resolution of internal controversy that transpires. In this context, the initial position geared towards crisis is termed 'thesis', the thesis provokes a counter referred to as 'antithesis', both the duo of thesis and antithesis all resolve themselves into a third moment, the 'synthesis'. In this third moment, the positive features in the thesis and antithesis simmer into one. The basic argument here is that, in any given system, there should never be a homogeneous position. Pluralism is therefore sacrosanct. Heterogeneity should be the trending principle insofar as it is in service of the wellbeing of the people. The justifying argument is that no one single system can embody the best of opinions. A monoculture cannot absolutise reality in whatever context.

*Hegel Vis-a-Vis Democracy
Contextualising this Hegelian theory within politics, we understand that globally there is always an alternative position. Politics, besides, is all about alternatives. Political pluralism should therefore be embraced with both arms. Thus, we should agree that we shouldn't have a single party system. Even in communist states like China, there are dissents and opposition within the party. In politically advanced climes like the US, etc there are basically two parties, the Democrats and the Republicans. Beyond this, we have leftists and rightists political sentiments. That is to say, political ideology differs in a given horizon. Even in the the Security Council of the United Nation, the five members state that constitute it, are not politically inclined to an opinion: Russia and the United States never agree. To entrench political pluralism at this apex level, they came up with the idea of 'veto power'. In Nigeria, there are two major political parties: the opposition Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) and the governing All Progressives Congress (APC). The beauty of this is that in a two-party system, we have the thesis and antithesis. The third moment of political synthesis finds itself in the masses. Put differently, the positive features in the thesis and antithesis blends and are preserved in the synthesis which is by implication the masses, electorate, proletariat, etc.

*Politics & Ideology
The teething question becomes what does the thesis posit that the antithesis antagonises all which resolves themselves in the synthesis? This brings us to the subject of ideology. An ideology is a set of ideas or thinking of a political party. Merriam Websters Dictionary defines it as 'the integrated assertions, theories and aims that constitute a sociopolitical program'. It is the manner of thinking that is characteristic of a given political party. In US politics, the Democrats are liberal in their outlook; whereas the Republicans are conservative. When a political party is poised to address a given sociopolitical challenge, they attempt a solution based on their relative characteristic ideology. That's where all the debate about 'thesis, antithesis and synthesis' is demonstrated and localised. The one believes in privatisation of public property; the other believes in the nationalisation of public property. These parties can never look at issues from the same mirror. And this is assessed through election debates. Thus, when the electorate cast their votes, they are doing so in favour of the ideology. We are wont to say that votes are cast in favour of the party, not the individual. The absence of ideology equates to the presence of sentiment. Ideology precedes policy. A policyless political system derives from a non-ideological politics. A clueless government follows from a non-ideological party politics. It is intricately intertwined.

*Nigerian Politics
However, the challenge with political parties in Nigeria is that, there is the dearth of ideology. In our clime, sentiments of religious-cum-ethnic/tribal intonation replace ideology. In this regard, one could justifiably contend that there is basically no difference between the governing APC and opposition PDP. Their differences lies only in nomenclature and not even individuals. For instance, we find that during elections, politicians covet the votes of the masses, based on predominantly religious and tribal/ethnic sentiments, and not on issues. The idea of rotational politics vindicate my claim. The rotation between the born-to-rule Hausa/Fulani   bloc and the Yoruba and the so-called minorities of the south-south, the segregation of the south-east who are largely Igbo. When the Oba of Lagos last year said he would drown the Igbo leaving in Lagos should they not vote for the APC, that was what? Objectively speaking, President Muhammadu Buhari was voted largely on the sentiments of the majority ethnic groups of Hausa/Fulani and Yoruba. Buhari corroborated this when in his presidential visit of 19-22 July 2015 to the US articulated his now infamous '97%-5%' to the press. In his 97%-5%, he whipped the sentiments of employing his presidency to favour first and foremost the 97% to those who ensured his election. One is still wondering which 97% Nigerians voted for him. Because official records from INEC suggest that 60% of registered voters ensured Buhari's victory. The Igbo and the so-called minorities of the south-south largely voted for former President Goodluck Jonathan. He had 12 million votes based on this sentiment.

*Cross River State Politics
Now to Cross River State politics. The PDP, is the governing party(thesis) under the leadership of Sen. Prof. Ben Ayade however the fact that it is the opposition at the level of national politics. Conversely, the APC is therefore the opposition(antithesis) in the state however the fact that it is the governing party nationally. Nationally therefore, the PDP is officially the 'antithesis' to the ruling APC nationally but thesis state wide; on the other hand, the APC is the antithesis to the PDP at the level of the state but the thesis nationally. It has an advantage against the PDP. Practically inferring, the APC at the level of the state is supposed to be criticising the policies of the leader of the governing party, Governor Ben Ayade. The chair of the CRS-APC and the Publicity Secretary should be mouthing their critical stance against Ayade. They are supposed to engage Ayade's 'politics with ethics'.

Again, the governor, the PDP chair and the Publicity Secretary of the PDP are supposed to be airing their pessimism against President Buhari and his APC. Alas, Ayade has never mouthed his political stance against the EFCC and it's illegal prosecution of it's Publicity Secretary Chief Olisah Metuh. He is busy interfacing with the presidency for whatever purpose and even reported by the press to be giving the presidency a thumbs up but never a censure. This is unbelievable and totally unacceptable!

All the political appointees by Buhari especially that of the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs are supposed to have a critical heavy influence in state politics. Usani Uguru Usani has never expressed his criticism against Ayade. All the APC candidates in the 2015 general elections lost at the polls and also performed abysmally poor during post-election litigations. What then is the real implication of the opposition in the APC at the level of state politics and their governing influence nationally as it borders on the state!? The APC is nothing to write home about in the state. Where is Mr. Odey Ochicha, the gubernatorial candidate of the APC in the 2015 general elections? Why is he missing in action? Are the policies of Gov. Ben Ayade synonymous with his as articulated during his campaigns. If not why is he not disagreeing with it? Are Cross Riverians not justified in not voting him during the 2015 elections?
Again, where are all the candidates who ran for elective positions in the state from councillors, chairpersons, state house of assembly, governorship, national assembly positions etc? Where is the opposition in them? Didn't they make promises? Didn't they have policies? Are their promises/policies being fulfilled by their opponents now in office? If not, we understand their silence. If yes, why are they not talking, then? Could it be that the 'element of opposition' in CRS-APC has been finally assassinated! But by who? And when and where did this occur?

My Charge
The only APC members I know, are thus: Chief Okoi Obono-Obla, Ifere Paul(Ifere has been opined not to be a registered member of the APC or any other party), and Joseph Odok. These seen to be the only active APC members by reason of their dogged inclination to express their opposition through writing in social media, electronic and print media, etc. They have jeopardised their lives for the sake of opposition.

I am therefore calling on the leadership of the opposition APC in CRS to wake up from their political slumber. I am charging them to redefine their political value system. They must resuscitate the spirit of opposition in the party if they must be taken seriously in the forthcoming LGA elections and the 2019 general election.

I am particularly charging Sen. Victor Ndoma-Egba, SAN, Sen. Bassey Edet Otu, Amb. Soni Abang, Prince Goddy Jedy-Agba, Hon. Venatius Ikem, Rt. Hon. Paul Adah, Ntufam Fidelis Ugbo, Dr. Alex Egbona, Dr. Sandy Onor, Sonny Etta, Hon. Ernest Irek, Chief & Mrs. Johnson Ebokpo and Dr. Matthew Achigbe to not only constitute the money bags in the 'new APC' but should become as vocal as possible in challenging the undemocratic policies of the ruling PDP in the state. Cross Riverians need an alternative, and they should constitute themselves into articulating that political alternative. We are not looking for baseless, sentimental bickering, Cross River is in dire need of an ideology/issue based opposition. It's widely accepted that 'a stitch in time saves nine'.

Long live opposition politics!
Long live LP-CRS!
Long live APC-CRS!
Long live PDP-CRS!
Long live Cross River State!

Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Writer, Blogger & the Editor of Negroid Haven