Online Street Fighter 6 cheater teabags a pro player, quickly finds out why they should never do that, then rage quits

Online Street Fighter 6 cheater teabags a pro player, quickly finds out why they should never do that, then rage quits

Online Street Fighter 6 cheaters are active and are being ran into probably more than most of us even realize. In the online space, usually ranked, some players use things like scripts that give them the ability to do things like automatically perfect parry or counter Drive Impact making it seem like they have incredible reactions and skills — they don’t.

Pro players who actively stream and practice in ranked have been running into players like this for months, and in a recent clip from professional Street Fighter 6 player Phenom, we see another cheater on display. Fortunately, Phenom was able to counter the cheater’s nonsense and give them exactly what they deserve, which results in a hilarious and embarrassing rage quit.

Now, based on Phenom’s initial Twitter video, you wouldn’t even know that his opponent was using nefarious tactics in battle. The stage we see set is Phenom’s Cammy going up against a Zangief player named “Burnout Billy,” and with Phenom one round up, sitting with a life lead, and the Gief being one good confirm away from losing, the Zangief player was certainly not in a good position for this fight.

After a quick knockdown, Phenom backs off a bit to force the Gief to be the aggressor and try to turn the tides of battle — a common high level strategy. Instead of trying to mount any real offense, the Zangief sits back and starts to teabag Phenom not only to taunt him, but to try and throw him off.

Unfortunately for Burnout Billy this tactic does not work at all. After teabagging for a bit, the Zangief tries to throw out a YOLO Drive Impact, but Phenom was ready for it.

The Cammy player perfect parries the Drive Impact, fires back with one of his own, then starts the combo that will finish the Zangief off, but is interrupted by a sudden screen freeze. That’s right. The Zangief player went ahead and pulled the plug for a quick rage quit before they could actually take their loss.

Some might be asking how we know this player was cheating, and it’s a fair question. Well, funnily enough, just earlier today prominent content creator and SF6 cheater-exposer Broski put out a tweet about the same player and reported some of the tactics that they used against him to cheat.

He described the excessive teabagging, auto DI, auto jump, auto perfect parry, and wouldn’t you be surprised to hear that this player also ended their set with Broski with a rage quit?

The moral of the story here is: don’t cheat and don’t rage quit. Not heeding those words might result in you becoming a highlight.
