One of Terry Bogard’s super attacks comes with a very unique trait that has never been in Street Fighter 6 until now

One of Terry Bogard's super attacks comes with a very unique trait that has never been in Street Fighter 6 until now

Gamescom 2024 is already proving to be an amazing event for those who fancy themselves fighting game fans. Capcom and SNK have come right out of the gate swinging by releasing the highly anticipated gameplay trailer for Terry Bogard in Street Fighter 6 and the reveal trailer of Mai Shiranui in Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves.

While there’s a ton to talk about right now, we’re going to focus on Terry in Street Fighter 6 for a moment as he has some very interesting tools he’s bringing to the table with his first Street Fighter guest appearance. The hungry wolf comes packed with a super attack that actually has a unique trait about it that we have never seen in SF6 — until now.

Though we witnessed the might that is Terry in Street Fighter 6 within his new gameplay trailer, specifics about the moves he was performing there would be found elsewhere. Capcom released a full blog entry on Steam that unveils granular details about his various attacks, and there’s some truly fascinating stuff featured here.

The biggest standout comes in the form of Terry’s level 2 super attack: Power Geyser. This maneuver sees the return of one of the fighter’s trademark supers, but it holds a bit more than meets the eye in Street Fighter 6.

According to the blog post from Capcom, Terry’s level 2 super is a good choice for the “resource hoarders” who play SF6 and love to use all of their meter for a big, flash sequence. This attack is unique in that it is the first in the entire game to actually use Drive Gauge and an additional bar of super for follow ups.

Here is Power Geyser’s official description in Street Fighter 6:

“For resource hoarders that are hungry like the wolf, Terry’s Level 2 Super Art, Power Geyser, will send opponents flying after a volcanic explosion,” Capcom’s blog begins. “If it hits, Terry can expend 3 Drive Gauge bars to follow-up with Twin Geyser.

“If that hits, Terry can then spend 1 Super Art gauge for the ultimate Triple Geyser, dealing a massive amount of damage for a Level 2 Super,” the description concludes.

While follow ups and variations of supers aren’t necessarily new in Street Fighter 6, the ability to use Drive Gauge and more super to extend the attack has not been done before Terry.

The closest thing to this we’ve seen so far is characters like Kimberly or Lily using their unique stocks (spray can and wind stock) to buff up some of their supers and characters like Dee Jay and Zangief who, depending on what buttons are pressed/held, perform variations of certain supers — though they don’t spend any additional resources in these instances.

Terry’s Power Geyser made its debut back in Fatal Fury 2 (1992). Many versions of Terry that followed also had this powerful maneuver in their toolkit, and it has become a staple of his arsenal over the years.

In past games, the MAX version of Power Geyser often becomes the Triple Geyser, and as the years went on we’ve seen Terry go from punching the ground three times to create the Triple Geyser to only punching once for the triple projectile attack. Street Fighter 6 takes things back to the past, however, and in the trailer we see Terry pull off the Triple Geyser by punching the ground three times.

This unique trait for Terry’s level 2 super in Street Fighter 6 is interesting in that it is an incredibly expensive follow up. To get Triple Geyser out, Terry players are looking at two bars of super meter up front, then three Drive Gauge pips, and finally another bar of super meter. When all is said and done, Terry is cooking the majority of his resources, and if he’s at full everything when he does it that means he’s left with only three bars of Drive Gauge after all is said and done — which could very easily be eaten up by a simple Drive Rush cancel.

Being able to follow up like this also raises the question… will Triple Geyser ultimately end up being a more powerful option than Terry’s actual level 3 super? Level 3 super attacks usually dish out the most damage in Street Fighter 6 due to having the highest resource cost, so it’s very possible that Triple Geyser might end up being even stronger than level 3 and possibly Critical Art, though we’ll have to see some damage values before we can confirm that.

You can check out Triple Geyser in action by clicking the video below, which will jump you right to the moment Terry uses it in the trailer.

Terry Bogard is set for his big Street Fighter 6 launch on September 24.
