On Prayerful Ascent to God in the Heart

On Prayerful Ascent to God in the HeartLet Us Fast in EarnestThus, let us begin on these fasting days to give ourselves to an intent study of fasting and prayer; and let us, at the same time, begin to fast and pray indeed.

” class=”tooltip”>Part 1/1: Let us Fast in Earnest
On Prayerful Ascent to God in the HeartThe Meaning and Significance of FastingFasting is a necessary means for success in the spiritual life and for attaining salvation; for fasting—depriving the flesh of excessive food and drink—weakens the force of sensual drives.” class=”tooltip”>Part 1/2: The Meaning and Significance of Fasting
On Prayerful Ascent to God in the HeartAccustoming Ourselves to FastingTo make our disposition towards fasting firm, we have to accustom ourselves to fasting slowly, carefully, not all at once, but gradually—little by little.” class=”tooltip”>Part 1/3: Accustoming Ourselves to Fasting
On Prayerful Ascent to God in the HeartSpiritual FastingLet the mind fast, not permitting empty and bad thoughts; let the heart fast, refraining from sinful feelings; let our will fast, directing all our desires and intentions to the one thing needful…” class=”tooltip”>Part 1/4: Spiritual Fasting
On Prayerful Ascent to God in the HeartWhat is Prayer?A great prayerful power is at work in the prayers of the Holy Fathers, and whoever enters into them with all his attention and zeal will certainly taste of this prayerful power to the extent that his state of mind converges with the content of the prayer.” class=”tooltip”>Part 2/1: On Prayer. What is Prayer?
On Prayerful Ascent to God in the HeartHow to Prepare for Prayer?Thus, if you want to pray, gather all your thoughts, lay aside all external, earthly cares, and present your mind to God and gaze upon Him.” class=”tooltip”>Part 2/2: How to Prepare for Prayer?
On Prayerful Ascent to God in the HeartHow to Pray?Absorb every word of prayer, bringing the meaning of every word into your heart; that is, understand what you read and feel what you have understood.” class=”tooltip”>Part 2/3: How to Pray?
On Prayerful Ascent to God in the HeartWhat to Do After Prayer?Begin, for example, to reflect on the goodness of God, and you’ll see that you’re surrounded by the mercies of God both physically and spiritually, and you’ll fall before God in an outpouring of feelings of gratitude.” class=”tooltip”>Part 2/4: What to Do After Prayer?
On Prayerful Ascent to God in the HeartAbout the Jesus PrayerIn order not to get lost in the various methods and definitions of the Jesus Prayer, it’s enough to follow these teachers: St. John Climacus, St. Nilus of Sora, Fr. Seraphim of Sarov, and Dorotheos.”>Part 2/5: About the Jesus Prayer

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Psalm 83 says: Blessed is the man… who hath made ascents in his heart (v. 6). What is this ascent? In terms of prayer, this is nothing other than gathering your thoughts and senses together and presenting them to God—in prayer. And ecclesiastical books include ways to do this. In the old books, this is called the entrance prayers and the departure prayers, and in our books—the usual beginning.

The entrance prayers are still used today by the On Prayerful Ascent to God in the HeartEdinoverie Old Believers: Yesterday, Today, TomorrowThe Edinoverie allows you to truly, as a in monastery, break away from worldly vanity, immerse yourself in a prayerful condition, look at the Orthodox faith through the prism of greater strictness with yourself, and pull yourself up to a personal spiritual height.

“>Old Believers. They read like this: “O God, cleanse me a sinner! God, be merciful to me a sinner! Thou hast created me, O Lord, have mercy upon me! Countless times have I sinned, O Lord, forgive me! It is truly meet to bless thee, O Theotokos… And the dismissal: Glory to Thee, O Christ our God and our hope, glory to Thee!” and the rest. What is the meaning and significance of this beginning? It can, among other things, serve as an excellent way to gather our thoughts, wandering through various subjects, concentrate them on the incarnate economy of our salvation, and thus plunge our entire sinful existence into the abyss of God’s boundless mercy.

So, the penitential prayers of this beginning, “O God, cleanse me,” and the others remind the attentive reader of the times of the Old Testament, when fallen mankind sighed to Heaven, which was closed to him, for mercy. The hymn of the Theotokos, “It Is Truly Meet,” reminds of the Heavenly door that opened the Kingdom of grace for us by the Incarnation of the Son of God, our Savior. The dismissal, “Glory to Thee, O Christ our God,” points to the salvific time of the New Testament, and causes us to give thanks and glorify the Lord God for granting us salvation. In this way, the entrance prayers gather our scattered thoughts and concentrate them on the incarnate economy of our salvation and prepare us for salvific prayer. It’s used at the beginning of prayers, and the beginning is also read again at the end, though here called the departure prayers; and both the entrance and departure prayers are necessarily accompanied by a prostration.

For us, the beginning of prayer uses the usual beginning, which is: “Blessed is our God;. Glory to Thee, our God; O Heavenly King; Holy God (3x); Glory, both now; O Most Holy Trinity; Lord have mercy (3x); Glory, both now; Our Father.

What is the meaning and significance of this rule? It has a deep meaning and high significance.

A Christian man, as a creation of God by his origin and as a son of God by the grace of redemption, is always obliged to bless his Creator and Savior if he doesn’t want to be an outcast of mankind. And so, following the example of the holy Psalmist, who said of himself: I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth (Ps. 33:1), he will always, and especially when beginning to pray, call out: “Blessed is our God, both now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.”

To be continued…
