NYChrisG releases new tier list for Street Fighter 6 after Capcom Cup 11

NYChrisG releases new tier list for Street Fighter 6 after Capcom Cup 11

NYChrisG releases new tier list for Street Fighter 6 after Capcom Cup 11

Capcom Cup 11 is now behind us. The final results of that event now has many players rethinking character positions on the tier list.

As a result, NYChrisG has released a new tier list with the intention of dispelling some of these murmurs. Back in early February, NYChrisG, as the number 1 ranked Mai, released a Mai match up chart for Street Fighter 6. Since then, NYChrisG has become the 30th top ranked player (based on Master rate) and the 9th best Mai user on the online leaderboards.

While some players are starting to think that Mai could be a viable character, NYChrisG has some serious doubts about that. As such, he’s placed her near the bottom of A+ tier (only above Blanka in that category), which is the third of five tier groups on NYChrisG’s list.

While Blaz had an amazing performance at Capcom Cup 11, this hasn’t changed NYChrisG’s views on Ryu. He’s adamant that Ryu is still the worst Shoto and only has him sitting above A.K.I., Jamie, E. Honda, Manon, Lily, Dhalsim, and Marisa.

Meanwhile, Akuma and Ken sit together at the very top of the tier list. They’re up there along with characters like Rashid, Ed, Cammy, M. Bison, and JP.

Considering IBSG|Kakeru’s big victory at Capcom Cup 11 with just JP, JP’s placement at the very top seems appropriate. Evidently, he’s still a very strong character that’s capable of winning tournaments where the competition is at its fiercest.

Check it all out below:

Chris G.'s SF6 Tier List image #1

Click images for larger versions

Source: Event Hubs