Nominations for Best Fighting Game at The Game Awards 2024 revealed

Nominations for Best Fighting Game at The Game Awards 2024 revealed

The Game Awards 2024 presentation is scheduled to take place on December 12, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. ET / 4:30 p.m. PT. Just like with previous years, awards will be given out to many games released within the year. Additionally, there will be some interesting announcements for future titles at the event.

Nominations for the Best Fighting Game of 2024 have been revealed. Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero, Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising, Tekken 8, Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics, and MultiVersus are the fighters that can potentially win this award.

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero launched on October 11, 2024 with a roster of 182 characters. The game has seen quite a bit of success in a short time considering that it was reported that it had achieved over 3 million sales worldwide in just 24 hours on its release day.

Tekken 8 was released on January 26, 2024. Since then, DLC characters Eddie Gordo, Lidia Sobieska, and Heihachi Mishima have joined the fight, bringing the roster count to 35. Notably, Tekken 8 was the second most popular fighting game at Evo 2024 earlier this year after Street Fighter 6, which means that it will probably be the game to beat in this list.

Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising was actually released in December 11, 2023, meaning that it was released too late to be part of The Game Awards 2023 nominations for the Best Fighting Game award from last year. The Granblue Fantasy series is known to be immensely popular, so it’s certainly a candidate to consider during this ceremony.

Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics is the long-awaited return to the Marvel vs. Capcom series that fighting game fans have been waiting for. It was released digitally on September 11, 2024. The power of nostalgia is certainly on this game’s side with this award.

Finally, there’s MultiVersus which was finally released on May 28, 2024. MultiVersus has a real shot considering that it holds the record for the most concurrent players on Steam for a fighting game, though this was during a pre-release phase for the game.

We’ll just have to see which of these fighting games takes the top spot on December 12, 2024 when The Game Awards show goes live.

Note: EventHubs participated in the voting panel for The Game Awards 2024’s Best Fighting Game award.
