No You CAN NOT REST (Part 1) | The Liberty Beacon

No You CAN NOT REST (Part 1) | The Liberty Beacon

No You CAN NOT REST (Part 1) | The Liberty Beacon

By: Joseph M. Lenard

Seriously? Do you think Satan and his Minions ever say – oh, let’s give ‘em a break. NO, certainly not (and as will touch on down-thread “Only Thing Required for Evil to Prevail, is for Good Peoples Do Nothing” as a TLB from me piece came some time ago (clearly time for some recap/review)…

No You CAN NOT REST (Part 1) | The Liberty Beacon

(image source: TheLibertyBeacon)

NOW the Fight, Fight, Fight, has to begin in earnest for Mid-Terms 2026 and need to improve MAGA-Republican margins in U. S. House and U. S. Senate (need 60+ Filibuster-proof) and even #Vance2028 and beyond (must have short, medium, and long, term plans and strategic actions not just planned but in motion 24×365).

VIDEO (3m 55s): Days Like These (Asia) – [True Wisdom only comes from pain… What doesn’t Kill you, will make you Strong… Today I am Strong enough… Day’s like these I feel like I can CHANGE THE WORLD!]

Now, before I go further let me give a bit of behind-the-scenes: I am writing this (at least starting this piece) on Fri. Sep. 27th 2024 obviously well before Election Night (Nov. 5th 2024) for WIN or LOSE (thinking short-term to Nov. 5th 2024, medium term to Dec. 2024, and longer-term to Jan. thru Dec. of 2025 already (lots of Walking and Chewing Gum at same time, just do not tell my Dentist he doesn’t want me Chewing Gum LOL)). Proceeding SAME regardless. This is AS IMPORTANT if (hopefully when we) Win, but imagine how much more mega-important (yes, pun, maga-important, but serious point, play on MAGA with MEGA) it will be if turns out we Lose the White-House, the US-House, or cannot also gain control of US-Senate (with #kamELE (Extinction Level Event if she is elected [Thank God, was not]) and her admissions for a laundry-list of reasons why should would push to eliminate the Filibuster too ram through PACKING SCOTUS [We Won USSenate control, so may not happen now, but will stay on their dastardly/Evil to-do-list for later] so then Liberal Activists Judges on that Bench would then uphold all the dozen plus UnConstitutional items she also insists they would also then ram through (and, again, if Court Packed, will rule politically not Constitutionally to allow their Illegal Legislations to stand)…. So, with that said….

[And, yes, I could have reworded/reworked that entire Paragraph above, but first I am lazy (Joking, but not entirely) and second added a few [updates] but really wanted you to see it in my mind-set of still major concerns at that point when I started the Rough-Draft.]

Evil, The Left, want you to “take a long break” and while you go back to BREAD AND CIRCUS or whatever they will be looking to do all they can to undermine any progress you/me/we made/make or will hope to make as they will have Filibuster in USSenate as WE, the good guys; the ones who appreciate the brilliance of our Founders checks-and-balances; will keep it (after Left threats to kill it).

You CAN NOT just go back to Sleep (Politically speaking) until next Election Cycle (MidTerms 2026, or worse until Election 2028 next Presidential cycle). In fact you need be as involved, in some respects more involved, in the supposed “off” Election years because that is the time so much can happen, so much needs to start happening like recruiting and preparing new Candidates for the next Election cycle. You want rid of CINOs and RINOs? Off-years are the times need working to prepare get them ousted in Primary – sitting on Couch and only re-awakening to pay attention a few months before a/any General Election is way too late.

VIDEO (4m 43s): Blessed Because I Got Fight (Team Fearless)

I’ve discussed before – need to be a Party Delegate… Something I post on social-media over and over is…

Ah, the Uni-Party thing again the rhetoric (often, not always) of the LAZY DO NOTHINGS
The Party will be what people fight for it to be but, hey, you be lazy, just whine from the cheap seats, while those of us that are realConservative / ChristiTutionalist folks do things that actually matter toward making a difference.

No You CAN NOT REST (Part 1) | The Liberty Beacon

[image source: TheLibertyBeacon]

CTP S1E18 audio/video was about that, and more, Show Notes say…

Show aka: bass-akwards, as the show opens with a Guest (J. J. Carrell (Activist/Author/CBP retired/NEWSMAX contributor)), in Segment-1 diving into the Dangers of Open-Borders …. the UNI-PARTY cop-out of/for/by the lazy (we need work 24×365 from within, not scream from cheap-seats off the field) discussion, more…

I am here to deal with people with Brains, logic/reason, and ACTUALLY DO THINGS AND WORK NOT JUST WHINE!

No You CAN NOT REST (Part 1) | The Liberty Beacon

[image source:]

VIDEO (6m 46s): Never Surrender (Triumph)

From “Only Thing Required Evil Prevail….” TLB 12/17/2022 piece….

Only thing required for Evil to prevail…

No You CAN NOT REST (Part 1) | The Liberty Beacon

[image source: TheLibertyBeacon]

All That Is Required for Evil to Prevail Is for Good Peoples to Do Nothing! [Burke, and others]

It is cited that 50-60% of all Christians do not Vote. Many of (supposedly 40% of) whom are not even Registered to Vote (Register to Vote, or print the form to get a Christian you know Registered (in Michigan, or find your States’ forms via DuckDuckGo search)!

All that is required for Evil to prevail is for good peoples to do nothing! You’ve no doubt heard that quote already in some of its various paraphrased forms.

If you are not familiar with the phrase: Bread and Circuses to appease the peasants, you’d better become acquainted with it quick….

When are you going to stop watching the Circus distractions and get involved? Or you sitting idly by until there is no bread in the “Bread and Circus” equation? 

I know, I know, YOU ARE TOO BUSY
[I’m betting if this is NOT YOU (because you’re already involved, finding at least some time here and there) then YOU likely know someone that needs to hear/see/read this message?!?!? Please cut/paste the link from the Browser address bar into and email to send to them or send it @ them on one of the Social Media Platforms]  are you waiting until they are treading, this next time may be too late!

VIDEO (5m 05s): Don’t Tread On Me (Damn Yankees)

You are busy raising a family, well your Children will not have the American Dream if you do not get off your hind-side and help ensure it will still be here for them when they grow up – rather than nothing but dystopian nightmare if FASCICRATS (and far too many RINO enablers) continue us down the road (eve) of destruction!

How about the Movie, ‘ey? Great! Yup, you just spent what? 90 minutes (and how much for tickets and concessions if you did so at the Theater) on something that provided a brief respite of distraction that will not really have real impact on your life during which time you could have instead done something productive to make America great again. Yes, yes, yes, I do indeed still watch an occasional movie too, we need a break from time-to-time, but I’m addressing those here that spend all their time in fantasy and none in dealing with reality.

Continued – see: “Only Thing Required Evil Prevail….”

VIDEO (3m 25s): Fight Song (Rachel Platten)

Yes, as I’ve written before “Occasional Breaks and Distractions Not Just OK, But Healthy” BUT you cannot go back to sitting around 24h x 365d consumed by “Bread And Circus” distractions and deflections – so you do not SEE what they are DOING TO YOU while you go back to Sleep Politically.

No You CAN NOT REST (Part 1) | The Liberty Beacon

[images (above and below) source: TheLibertyBeacon]

No You CAN NOT REST (Part 1) | The Liberty Beacon

As I get older and older, slower and slower (physically), I cannot get out and about to dinners, events, rallies, etc.… like I used to – so these writings (as well as my Internationally available books, and my Podcast) become more and more important to be able to reach out to others. Find what you can do, how you can do it; maybe you too can publish books, see my “How to Write a Book and Get It Published: Hints, Tips & Techniques” book which takes you from concept to published to promotion; or Podcast via my “Podcasting: Quick-Start Guide” (low-key, low-cost, start then build from there) book; but do something and again NOT just wait until a few months out before an Election but as often as possible.

VIDEO (4m 26s): Stronger (Kanye West):
[As Kanye calls on Her, we too, call on you (really ALL, Women, Men, standing up), metaphorically different (of course) than this song – WE THE PEOPLE all “need you right now” to be STRONGER, ACT, FIGHT. As in the song concludes “NEVER OVER” and as outlined in Triumph tune before “NEVER SURRENDER!”]

Also note. This piece in a ROUGH-DRAFT form, as well as upcoming part 2 in this series, was/is shared at BeforeItsNews (as a pre/sneak-peek). There will be some exclusive content there, and some exclusive content here on TheLibertyBeacon! You can find “Trump Win, USHouse still in Question but leaning-R, USSenate flips to GOP, can we now ROAR (Restore Our American Republic)?!?!?” BeforeItsNews version posted just after Noon there on Wed. Nov. 6th 2024.

The following has zero to do with this piece per se’ but only in loose sense of NO YOU CANNOT GIVE UP cuz The Leftards are so Brain-Washed they cannot Stop their Stupid – EVER. Even at Comedy Shows:

VIDEO (18m 25s): Comedians DESTROYING Woke Hecklers

[also, more on “Top Comedians Who MASTERFULLY Handle Woke Hecklers” and while I do not abide COLLECTIVISM, we are all Individuals and “Content Of Character” of each Individual matters the next Comic clearly has “issues” with much (not all, that would be Broad-Brush painting) Younger Generations of late: “Boomer Triggers Gen-Z Snowflakes. Brad Upton”]

No You CAN NOT REST (Part 1) | The Liberty Beacon

[image source: TheLibertyBeacon]


About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!

Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
author: Terror Strikes (buy)
Former 12CDRC, Wayne12, WCRC, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter
MI 12th CDRC Webmaster
Taylor (MI) Republicans Club TRC Michigan Webmaster
Terror Strikes book (B4IN write-up)

Image Credit: Graphic in Featured Image (top) – from Pixabay

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No You CAN NOT REST (Part 1) | The Liberty Beacon

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No You CAN NOT REST (Part 1) | The Liberty Beacon


No You CAN NOT REST (Part 1) | The Liberty Beacon


Stay tuned to …

No You CAN NOT REST (Part 1) | The Liberty Beacon


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