Capcom has released the Street Fighter 6 character usage stats for December, and while Ken maintains his spot at the top of almost every rank (sans Rookie and Iron where he’s fallen to third) there have been some interesting movements and patterns since our last update.
One character has seen a steady increase as December marks her second month in a row with positive movements in every single category, but we’d also like to point out that the community seems to have clearly chosen its least favorite fighters to play as.
The character with the consistent glow up is none other than Juri Han, who has seen steady increases and now resides in the top three of every rank save for Master, where she’s fourth.
The game’s newest fighter, A.K.I., continues her downward trend as she continues to see the steepest falls across the board for the second month in a row. That said, the drop offs are not nearly as far as they were in November’s stats.
Though they vary in order from rank to rank, without fail the five most unpopular characters in the game are Lily, Dhalsim, Blanka, E. Honda and Rashid. Honda and Lily being so low comes as little surprise as they’re both regarded as two of the hardest characters to win with.
Though we do see some high level action from Blanka thanks to Bandits|MenaRD, very few others are making any waves with him. When it comes to Dhalsim, well, he’s always been a niche character for those who are willing to think around corners and have the patience to learn how to do so within the confines of the specific Street Fighter entry being played.
Perhaps the anomaly here is Mr. Of the Turbulent Wind, as Rashid still seems to have a good bit of potential on the tier lists. He may be a little more complex than the average character with his unique movement options and enhancing whirlwind mechanic, but we do admit we’re somewhat surprised to see him so low.
Looking back through previous months, these five have been at the bottom of the heap since October, which leads us to surmise they’ll be atop Capcom’s list of characters to make more appealing when the annual balance update comes along.
You can view the full stats for December via the two images here. Let us know in the comments how your main is faring, if you’re surprised by any of these current standings and why.
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