Nigeria Youth Rise Up Against Political Violence —By Prince Thomas Abi Jr

Nigeria Youth Rise Up Against Political Violence —By Prince Thomas Abi Jr

Prince Thomas Abi Jr|23 March 2016|6:00am

Political violence has become part of the Nigeria Politics. It is rather unfortunate that violence during elections are carried out by youths (gangs) who are recruited and paid by politicians to attack their rivals and intimidate members of the public, their opponents, rig elections and protect them during elections.

One very disturbing aspect of arming youths during elections is the fact that after elections, these unemployed youths use arms bought for electioneering purposes to harass, carry out arm robbery activities, kill and  unleash terror on members of the public as a result of poverty.

It is also worrisome to note that political violence in Nigeria has come to stay as the architects of these violent activities are the politicians who buy arms and ammunition for unemployed youths instead of empowering them positively. And another very disturbing aspect is the fact that these cult groups are paid very little money in order to harass members of the public.

Never again must the youths of Nigeria allow themselves to be used as thugs during election. I feel pained that our fine youths are always killed during election. The truth be told, those politicians you stake your lives for do not mean well for you. They do not have you at heart. They do not value your life. So why stake your life for a man or a woman who only sees you as a tool for violence? Who sees you as a mercenary to perpetrate violence? No! Nigeria youths rise up against thuggery, violence, cultism and gangsterism.

Have you ever asked yourselves why they only need you during elections? After elections, you become a pest to them. They hate the sight of seeing you and cannot help you. Why follow the pathway that leads to your destruction? When you can live a life of respect? Who says you can not be leaders of this great country?

I have followed the trend of activities in the River's State election and I must condemn the violent activities that took place there. It is lampoonable, barbaric, senseless, mindless and wicked that our fellow country men and women were murdered like chickens. No! Rise up youths of Nigeria and say No to electoral violence.

Let me resound that, if you loose your arm during election fighting  for a politician who does not care whether you are existing he won't even pay your hospital bills. You must understand that you are the future of this great country, and so why allow yourselves to used to unleash terror on members of the society?

I read with utter shock the murder of the APC ward Chairman,  his wife and son. The question now is what then happens to his children he left behind? Who is going to take care of them? Or, is it the Corps member that was murdered during the River's election? And the many others that have lost their lives as a result of electoral violence. What then happens to their families? Nigeria youths learn. I urge the youths of Nigeria to think wisely and reason. Violence is not the way forward.

Why kill your fellow Youth for a man who does not value you? Why? We must rise up and say NO to the gruesome murder of youths and members of the public.

Martin Luther King Jr. said “Through violence you may murder a murderer but you can't murder murder. Through violence you may murder a liar but you can't establish truth. Through violence you may murder a hater, but you can't murder hate. Darkness cannot put out darkness. Only light can do that.”

Nigeria youths we must love one another. We must put out hate and violence in our society. Those men giving you arms do not love you. They do not mean well for you. If they give you arms to kill and carryout havoc, tell them that they should give it to  their sons and daughters.

Nigeria Youth say NO to electoral violence.

Prince Thomas Abi Jr.
Is a Public Affairs Analyst/Social Commentator